本文介绍了从 Xamarin 解决方案访问版本的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我在 Xamarin 中有一个多平台项目.每个 .csproj 项目(iOS、Android、Mac、Windows)的版本号从 .sln 解决方案选项中设置版本号.

I have a multi plattform project in Xamarin. The Version Number for each .csproj Project (iOS, Android, Mac, Windows) The Version number is set from the .sln Solution options.


My problem now is to retrieve the version number from the solution file without having access to the individual Projects.

我知道有一些解决方案可以从 iOS 中的 NSBundle 和其他平台中的类似中获取版本号,但是我不能使用这些.

I know that there are solutions to get the Version number from like NSBundle in iOS and similar in other platforms, however I can't use those.

这是我的解决方案的结构,称为ETCS(git branch develop).在那里,我有一个项目 ETCS,它是核心功能和项目 ETCS.***,每个平台一个.

This is the structure of my Solution called ETCS (git branch develop). There I have a Project ETCS which is the core funtions and the Projects ETCS.***, one for each platform.


The version number is set in the solution from where the projects get that number. See image below. What I need is a way to set a constant in the core function project.


一个解决方案 (.sln) 是一个纯文本文件,没有 xml、json 等,所以你可以解析它但是你想要.

A solution (.sln) is a plain text file, no xml, json, etc.. so you can parse it however you want.

如果你通过 Visual Studio for Mac/MonoDevelop/Xamarin Studio 添加一个版本,你最终会在 .sln 中得到一个 GlobalSection:

If you add a version via Visual Studio for Mac/MonoDevelop/Xamarin Studio you end up with a GlobalSection in the .sln of:

GlobalSection(MonoDevelopProperties) = preSolution
        description = Sushi's Most Amazing App
        version = 3.14

注意:通过 MSBuildEmitSolution=1 生成的解决方案 metaproj 不包含此信息,因此您无法使用内置的 MSBuild 功能对其进行解析.

Note: The solution metaproj produced via MSBuildEmitSolution=1 does not contain this information, so you can not use built-in MSBuild features to parse it.

解析版本(此处使用 bash,但使用您自己选择的工具:

Parse the version out (using bash here, but use your own choice to tool(s):

export slnVersion=`grep "version =" SomeSolutionFile.sln | cut -f 2 -d "=" | sed -e 's/^[ \t]*//' | tr -cd "[:print:]"`


Now you have the version (in an env. variable in this example).

如果您有一个看起来像这样的 .cs 文件 (Global.Template):

If you have a .cs file (Global.Template) that looks like this:

namespace MovieMadness
    public static class Globals
        public const string SolutionVersion = "SushiHangover";

您可以将 SushiHangover 替换为基于解决方案的版本:

You can replace SushiHangover with the solution based version:

export slnVersion=`grep "version =" SomeSolutionFile.sln | cut -f 2 -d "=" | sed -e 's/^[ \t]*//' | tr -cd "[:print:]"`
sed -e 's/SushiHangover/'"$slnVersion"'/g' Global.template > Global.cs
cat Global.cs


namespace MovieMadness
    public static class Globals
        public const string SolutionVersion = "3.14";

这篇关于从 Xamarin 解决方案访问版本的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-05 16:20