I'm using the Drawstring method of the Graphics Class to Draw a Text on an Image.The Font is Specified before drawing.
G.DrawString(mytext, font, brush, 0, 0)
The Problem arises when the same text is drawn on an image with smaller size.The Text drawn appears to be larger.I'm looking for a solution to alter the font size according to the image size so that the text don't appear larger or smaller when drawn on images of different sizes.
I'm attaching the images with different sizes with the text of same font size drawn on it.http://i.stack.imgur.com/ZShUI.jpg
I can't directly post the image because I'm not allowed.
You would get most precise scaling by drawing on separate image and then slapping that image onto original one. You'd do that as follows:
- 创建具有足够空间的内存位图
- 绘制
- 将包含文本的图像缩放至您需要的大小,以将原始图像中的图像绘制到原始图像上
Bitmap textBmp = new Bitmap(100, 100);
Graphics textBmpG = Graphics.FromImage(textBmp);
textBmpG .DrawString("test 1", new Font(FontFamily.GenericSansSerif, 16), Brushes.Red, new PointF(0, 0));
Graphics origImgG = Graphics.FromImage(originalImg);
origImgG.DrawImage(textBmpG, new Rectangle(50, 50, 50, 50), new Rectangle(0, 0, 100, 100), GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
注意最后一行和 Rectangle
参数。使用它们将文本位图缩放到原始图像上。或者,您还可以选择 Graphics.MeasureString
Take notice of last line and Rectangle
parameters. Use them to scale your text bitmap onto original image. Alternatively, you can also choose Graphics.MeasureString
method to determine how wide your text would be and make attempts until you get best one you can.
- 使用来衡量您的字符串在图片上的大小。
- 相应地逐步减少/增加字体
- Use Graphics.MeasureString() to measure how big your string would be on the image
- Decrease/increase font step by step accordingly
正如你在评论中所要求的,我会在这里给你更详细的建议。假设您的原始图像宽度为WI1,并且使用 Graphics.MeasureString
的文本宽度为WT1。如果将图像调整为宽度WI2,那么您的完美文本宽度将为 WT2 = WT1 * WI2 / WI1
。使用 DrawText
As you requested in comment I'll give you more detailed suggestion here. Say your original image width is WI1, and width of text on it using Graphics.MeasureString
is WT1. If you resize your image to width WI2, then your perfect text width would be WT2 = WT1 * WI2 / WI1
. Using DrawText
method you may not be able to get this exact width because when you increase font by 1 it may jump over that value. So you have to make several attempts and find best. Pick a size of font, if resulting text width is smaller (measure with MeasureString), increase it until it becomes bigger than target and you've got about closest match. Same thing goes if it's too big. Decrease font step by step.
This is quick and dirty as you see, because you have many draws, but I can't think of better solution, unless you're using monospaced fonts.
Difference between those solutions would be that in first you can get text to fit EXACT size you need, but you probably would loose some font readability due to scaling. Second solution would give good readability, but you can't get pixel perfect size of text.