对于具有 Java 背景的开发人员,我也有兴趣探索使用 ASP.NET 工具/平台进行软件开发.
For a developer with a Java background, I am interested in exploring software development using the ASP.NET tools/platform as well.
Java Web 应用程序(.jsp 和 servlet)可以在许多服务器平台上运行.
Java web applications (.jsp and servlets) can run on many server platforms.
问题:.NET Web 应用程序能否在基于 Linux 的服务器中运行?考虑到无法使用 Windows 服务器托管 Web 应用程序的情况.
Question: Will a .NET web application be able to run in a Linux based server? Considering the scenario of not being able to use a Windows server for hosting a web app.
这取决于您使用的特定 .NET 技术.Mono Project 提供了一个 Apache 模块 (mod_mono) 用于运行 ASP.NET 站点,并且从我收集它运作良好.
It depends what specific .NET technologies you're using. The Mono Project provides an Apache module (mod_mono) for running ASP.NET sites, and from what I gather it works well.
Mono 并不支持所有的 .NET API,虽然 - 特别是 WPF(可能还有 WCF,我不记得了) - 但它确实为框架的许多其他部分提供了良好的支持.
Mono doesn't support all the .NET APIs, though - notably WPF (and possibly WCF too, I can't remember) - but it does provide good support for much else of the framework.
如果您是从头开始,并且特别希望以非 Windows 服务器为目标,那么确保您的项目与 Mono 一起工作将是一个很好的目标.但是,如果您需要 Mono 不支持的特定 API 或语言功能,则需要使用 Windows 服务器进行部署.这是一个设计时/架构的选择,应该在前面做出.
If you're starting from scratch and particularly want to target non-Windows servers, then ensuring your project works with Mono would be a good goal to aim for. However, if you need particular APIs or language features that are not supported by Mono, then you will need to use a Windows server for deployment. It's a design-time/architectural choice that should make up front.
这篇关于在基于 Linux 的服务器上运行 ASP.Net的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!