

我想编写一个 groupBy 函数,到目前为止,类型系统对我的工作并不满意.

I want to write a groupBy function, so far the type system is not so happy with my work.

export function group<
    T extends object,
    K extends (keyof T & string),
    R = T[K] extends string ? string : never
    data: T[],
    groupBy: keyof T
): { [group: R]: T[] }

我得到的第一个错误是 {[group:R]:T []} 中的 R 不是 string 数字.

The first error that I got is that R in { [group: R]: T[] } is not string or number.


The signature actually doesn't work at all for the data set of

group([{ name: 'Johnny Appleseed', age: 17 }], 'name') // R should be string
group([{ name: 'Johnny Appleseed', age: 17 }], 'age') // R should be never

但是,两个 R 都是从不,而 K 都是"name" |年龄"

However, both R is never while K is "name" | "age"

我必须使用 group< {name:string,age:number},'name'> 来手动缩小类型参数,以使 R 字符串.

I have to manually narrow down type parameter with group<{name: string, age: number}, 'name'> to make R be string.


索引签名必须为 string number .没有联合类型,没有泛型类型,除了 string number 之外,别无其他.

An index signature must be either string or number. No union types, no generic types nothing else will do except string or number.

如果您使用两个函数签名,一个仅接受 string 键,而另一个仅接受 number 键,我们仍然可以实现您想要的行为:

We can still achieve the behavior you want if you use two function signatures, one that accepts only string keys and the other that only accepts number keys:

export declare function group<T extends Record<K, string>, K extends string>(data: T[], groupBy: K): { [group: number]: T[] }
export declare function group<T extends Record<K, number>, K extends string>(data: T[], groupBy: K): { [group: string]: T[] }

let groupByString = group([{ name: 'Johnny Appleseed', age: 17 }], 'name')
let groupByNumber = group([{ name: 'Johnny Appleseed', age: 17 }], 'age')


08-27 04:30