我当前正在使用mySQL LOAD DATA INFILE将csv文件插入到我的数据库中.每天将此csv文件下载到服务器,以保持产品数据为最新.
I am currently using mySQL LOAD DATA INFILE to insert a csv file into my database. This csv file is downloaded to the server on a daily basis in order to keep product data up-to-date.
What I want to know is how can I update the table with the new csv and preserve the existing data where it's not different?
LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE '$file' REPLACE INTO TABLE products FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' ENCLOSED BY '\"' ESCAPED BY '\\\' IGNORE 1 LINES (aw_product_id,merchant_id,merchant_image_url,aw_deep_link,description,in_stock,merchant_name,brand_name,display_price,product_name,rrp_price,merchant_category
This works fine but it replaces the ID column with a completely new set and also reverts columns that I want to ignore, back to the default state. For example I have a column called 'Published' with a value of 0 or 1. If I use REPLACE it sets that column back to 0.
How can I use REPLACE but ignore some columns?
如何使用REPLACE但忽略某些列?的答案是您不能: REPLACE
The answer to How can I use REPLACE but ignore some columns? is you can't: REPLACE
allways replaces a complete row, not the single field values of that row.
尽管是,我仍然可以实现我的目标的答案是:是:我的建议是将LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE
The answer to Can I still achieve my goal though is Yes: My recommendation would be to LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE
into another table, then use a stored procedure or query to INSERT
(as opposed to REPLACE
) your main table. If you give us a bit more information (table structure, which column matches the loaded data with the existing data) we might be able to help you further.
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