本文介绍了使 `$watch` 函数远离控制器的最佳实践的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


例如,我试图找到一些关于将 $watch 函数从控制器移动到工厂的最佳实践的好例子.

I tried to find some good examples on best practice in moving $watch functions from a controller to a factory, for example.

我发现实际上对于最好的做法并没有一致的意见.我见过将 $rootScope 注入工厂并$watch在那里进行值更改的示例.

What I have found is that actually there isn't a unanimous opinion on what's best to do. I've seen examples of injection the $rootScope into a factory and $watching for value changes there.

另一个建议是尽可能避免它们,并在元素本身上使用 ngChange 代替,例如:

Another suggestion is to avoid them whenever possible, and to use ngChange instead on the element itself, for example:

<div ng-model="foo.bar" ng-change="updateValue(foo.bar)"></div>

你建议的方式是什么?自从我开始学习 AngularJS 以来,我一直将 $watches 放在我的控制器中,但现在我想采用最佳实践方法,尝试使我的控制器尽可能薄.

What is your proposed way? I've been putting $watches in my controllers ever since I started learning AngularJS but now I want to embrace best practice approaches, trying to make and keep my controllers as thin as possible.


我想将 $watch 放在哪里很大程度上取决于用例场景.最重要的是要小心 $watch 是不要在 handle 函数内部做任何艰苦的工作,特别是如果你正在观察的东西发生了很大的变化;这会严重影响你的表现.并确保在您的句柄函数中您不会更改已经被监视的其他内容,因为这会导致一系列更改更新.

I guess where to put $watch heavily depends on the use-case scenario. The most important thing to be careful about $watch is not to do any hard-work inside the handle function especially if what you are watching is changing a lot; that would highly damper your performance. And be sure that in your handle function you don't change something else which is already being watched as this will cause a chain of change updates.

如果你确定你正在观察的变量只能从一个地方改变,最好使用 ng-change 而不是 $watch 作为你已经知道它被改变的地方.

If you are sure that the variable you are watching can only be changed from one place, it is better idea to use ng-change rather than $watch as you already know the place where it gets changed.

通常最好不要用不必要的对象填充 rootScope,但是如果您正在监视整个应用程序中使用的某些变量,例如当前用户的属性,我想这样做是有意义的将 $watch 表达式放入 $rootScope.

It is generally good practice not to fill rootScope with unnecessary objects, but if you are watching for some variable which is used in entire application such as current user's attribute, I guess it would make sense to put $watch expression into $rootScope.

这篇关于使 `$watch` 函数远离控制器的最佳实践的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-24 19:17