我目前正在尝试使用 PHPWord 库及其模板系统来处理docx文件.我已经找到并更新了指向该库的,可以使用表的路径(请记住名称,但并不重要),该路径可以与表一起使用(复制其行,然后在每行上使用PHPWord的标准setValue()).
I'm currently trying to work with docx files using PHPWord library and its templating system. I have found and updated someones (cant remember the name, but its not important) path to this library that can work with tables (replicate its rows and then use standard setValue() from PHPWord on each of row).
如果我创建自己的文档,则xml中的数据具有正常结构,因此要替换的变量$ {variable}在其自己的标记中,如下所示:
If i create my own document, the data in xml is in normal structure, so the variable to be replaced ${variable} is in its own tag like this:
I simplified the code, in actual code there is number of other tags descibing sizes, styles, etc.
我的问题是我必须从其他人那里获取文件,而我被禁止做大的更改,我得到的文件在某些时候是一张有空白行的表.我添加$ {variable}变量并通过PHPWord运行它.问题是,它失败了.经过研究,我发现源XML看起来像这样:
My problem is i have to proccess documents from other people where i am prohibited to make big changes, I get a document where at some point they is a table with one blank row. I add the ${variable} variables and run it through PHPWord. Problem is, that it fails. After doing some research , I found out that the source XML looks like this:
(again heavily simplified, but you get the picture)
This structure is a problem for me, because the function to clone rows uses strpos(), substr() and regular expressions to work and does not work with this structure (and I cant imagine elegant way to do it so).
So the question is - Does anybody know why docx does this and how to prevent him? I am looking for a solution via word, not PHP (I need current functions to work without much editing)
I have worked with this problem a lot:
In word, the document can be saved like this
因此,我创建了一个即使变量名称被分割也可以使用的JS库: Docxtemplater (也可以在服务器端).我在开发过程中发现,如果满足以下条件,则不会拆分变量名称:
I have therefore create a JS library that works even if variable names are splitted: Docxtemplater (works server side too) . What I have found out during development is that variables names aren't splitted if:
- 要查找的文本仅由a-zA-Z字符组成(不包含{,$或})
- 如果文本不是一键书写,则文本可能会被分割:例如,如果您犯了拼写错误,并输入$ {varuable},然后进行编辑-> $ {variable},则文本内部xml很可能会被拆分.基本上,您必须一键编写变量名,如果要编辑它,请完全重写变量名.
I don't think there's a way to fix a docx document with one command in Word, , but rewriting the variables to write them in one Stroke should work.
这篇关于为什么Office OpenXML在标签之间拆分文本,以及如何防止文本拆分?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!