本文介绍了断开连接后 RDP 会话的 GUI 能否保持活动状态的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在运行 24/7 全天候模拟按键和鼠标点击的自动化测试程序.

I'm running automated testing procedures that emulates keystrokes and mouseclicks 24/7.

尽管它在本地运行良好,但在 RDP 会话上,一旦最小化或断开连接,它就会停止运行.显然,如果您无法在屏幕上实际看到 GUI,则该 GUI 不存在.

Although it runs fine locally, on an RDP session it stops running once minimized or disconnected. Apparently, the GUI doesn't exist if you can't physically see it on the screen.

有一个注册表变通方法可以使 GUI 保持活动状态以最小化窗口,但我不知道在断开连接后无法使其保持活动状态.

There is a registry work-around for keeping the GUI active for minimizing the window, but I know of no way to keep it alive after disconnect.

理想情况下,我会在服务器 Windows 控制台会话上运行该会话,该会话不关心是否断开连接,但在托管环境(我尝试过 Amazon 和 Go Daddy)中,无法访问控制台会话.

Ideally, I would have this run on the server Windows console session which would not care about being disconnected but in a hosted environment (I tried Amazon and Go Daddy) there is no way to access the console session.

有谁知道我如何解决这个问题?基本上任何允许我在 VPS 上运行我的应用程序的解决方案.我需要主机的可靠性,但需要灵活地运行它,就像我坐在前面一样.

Does anyone know how I can get around this? Basically any solution that allows me to run my application on a VPS. I need the reliability of a host but the flexibility to run it as if I was sitting right in front.



This could be a workaround, altough I have not tried it myself and it involves having another machine

假设您正在创建一个到 myserver.com 的会话

Let's assume that at the moment you are creating a session to myserver.com

本地客户端----> myserver.com

您可以尝试拥有一个单独的服务器(我们称之为 myslave.com),而不是这样做,并使用它来建立会话

Instead of doing that, you could try having a separate server (let's call it myslave.com) and use that to establish a session

本地客户端----> myslave.com ----> myserver.com

然后,如果您断开 Local Client --->myslave.com session myslave.com ----> 之间会话的 GUImyserver.com 应保持活动状态.

Then if you disconnect the Local Client ---> myslave.com session the GUI of the session between myslave.com ----> myserver.com should remain active.

只有当您连接到 myslave.com 的控制台会话时,它才会工作.

It will work only if you are connected to the console session of myslave.com.

这篇关于断开连接后 RDP 会话的 GUI 能否保持活动状态的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-20 07:05