本文介绍了从“KanjiCard *'非标量型”KanjiCard'要求(自定义枚举)转换的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



Okay, I've tried using Google-sensei and searching around on this website, and while I've found many posts about this error, I haven't found any that have addressed enums. Also, all the ones I have seen have either been someone trying to assign one type to another, improper use of 'new', etc. As far as I can tell, that's not the case in this instance.

正如标题所说,我得到一个错误从'KanjiCard *'非标量类型转换'KanjiCard要求试图编译程序的时候我M工作使用G ++。

As stated in the title, I'm getting an error conversion from 'KanjiCard*' to non-scalar type 'KanjiCard' requested when trying to compile the program I'm working on using g++.


I have a class named KanjiCard that has this publicly-defined enum:

enum KanjiCardType {
    KANJI_CARD = 1,


The constructor for the class is defined as follows:

    KanjiCard(char *cardText, int cardTextLength, int cardWidth, int cardHeight,
        int cardX, int cardY, KanjiCardType cardType, SDL_Color textColor);

(我用的char *来代替std ::字符串,因为它更容易与我使用这种方式的库工作。)

(I'm using char* instead of std::string because it's easier to work with the libraries I'm using that way.)


I'm calling it to create new cards like so (this is where the error comes up):

KanjiCard currentCard = new KanjiCard(kanji_line, strlen(kanji_line),
    CARD_WIDTH, CARD_HEIGHT, xPos, yPos, cardType, textColor);

cardType 的定义是这样的: KanjiCard :: KanjiCardType cardType = KanjiCard :: KANJI_CARD;

我最初尝试只是传递 KanjiCard :: KANJI_CARD ,其中 cardType 是在构造函数调用的权利,但我得到的错误,所以我一直在乱投医我能想到的尝试,并得到它的工作,包括努力在构造函数中 cardType 参数切换到 * cardType &放大器; cardType cardType 在通话为好,都无济于事。

I originally tried just passing in KanjiCard::KANJI_CARD where cardType is in that constructor call right now, but I got that error, so I've been trying everything I could think of to try and get it to work, including trying switching the cardType parameter in the constructor to *cardType and &cardType and messing around with the type of cardType in the call as well, to no avail.

据我所知, cardType 不是指针,所以我真的想不通,为什么我收到消息。任何帮助将大大AP preciated,因为我在我束手无策试图弄清楚这一点。

As far as I can tell, cardType isn't a pointer, so I really can't figure out why I'm getting that message. Any help would be greatly appreciated, as I'm at my wit's end trying to figure this out.

编辑:我应该还提到,我也试图拉出来枚举类的(并删除 KanjiCard :: preface当然),仍然有同样的问题。

I should also mention that I also tried pulling the enum out of the class (and removing the KanjiCard:: preface, of course), and still had the same issue.


这不是 cardType 这就是问题所在;这是 currentCard 。你写这样的:

It's not cardType that's the problem; it's currentCard. You wrote this:

KanjiCard currentCard = new KanjiCard(...


That's assigning a pointer to a non-pointer type. You may have meant this:

KanjiCard *currentCard = new KanjiCard(...


...or you may have meant this:

KanjiCard currentCard(...

前者我建议将在堆中分配 KanjiCard currentCard 将指向 KanjiCard 。后者将它分配在堆栈中。它的的一个 KanjiCard

The former of my suggestions will allocate a KanjiCard on the heap. currentCard will point to the KanjiCard. The latter will allocate it on the stack. It is a KanjiCard.

前者你必须手动删除。后者并不需要是删除 D;这是它的声明范围内有效,一旦超出范围,它是无效的。

The former you'll have to manually delete. The latter doesn't need to be deleted; it is valid within the scope it's declared and once it goes out of scope, it's invalid.

您可以访问使用的成员,前者 - > 。后者可以访问使用成员

The former you can access members of using ->. The latter you can access members of using ..

这篇关于从“KanjiCard *'非标量型”KanjiCard'要求(自定义枚举)转换的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-20 04:53