

我试图通过使用方法 register.saveDeveloperInfo 得到电报API我的应用程序ID,但我找不到这样做的方式。

I am trying to get my app id from Telegram API by using the method register.saveDeveloperInfo, but I cannot find the way to do it.

我使用的是德MTProto Java库。

I'm using de MTProto Java library.


This is what I had done by now:

  1. 我在Java中做了我自己 register.saveDeveloperInfo implemmentation。

  2. 我调用该方法与PARAMS进行校正(https://core.telegram.org/api/obtaining_api_id)

  3. 该方法返回一个真正的布尔值,但我还没有与我APP_ID收到短信。

  4. 当我在电报网的我的应用程序部分输入(。这是你会使用什么写这篇文章的。如果你问一个密码,提供您将使用开发的手机号码和报文将发送给您的密码。

    You can get your app api_id and app api_hash from your Telegram app page. This is what you'll be using as of this writing. If you are asked a password, provide the mobile phone number you'll be using to develop and Telegram will send you the password.


08-19 19:47