本文介绍了C ++中的原子性:神话还是现实的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I have been reading an article about Lockless Programming in MSDN. It says :


// This write is not atomic because it is not natively aligned.
DWORD* pData = (DWORD*)(pChar + 1);
*pData = 0;

// This is not atomic because it is three separate operations.

// This write is atomic.
g_alignedGlobal = 0;

// This read is atomic.
DWORD local = g_alignedGlobal;

我读了很多答案和评论,说在C ++中没有任何东西可以保证是原子性的,甚至在标准语言中也没有提到,因此现在我有点困惑.我误解了这篇文章吗?还是文章作者谈论的是非标准的,特定于MSVC ++编译器的内容?

I read lots of answers and comments saying, nothing is guaranteed to be atomic in C++ and it is not even mentioned in standarts, in SO and now I am a bit confused. Am I misinterpreting the article? Or does the article writer talk about things that are non-standart and specific to MSVC++ compiler?


So according to the article the below assignments must be atomic, right?

struct Data
    char ID;
    char pad1[3];
    short Number;
    char pad2[2];
    char Name[5];
    char pad3[3];
    int Number2;
    double Value;
} DataVal;

DataVal.ID = 0;
DataVal.Number = 1000;
DataVal.Number2 = 0xFFFFFF;
DataVal.Value = 1.2;

如果为true,用std::string Name;替换Name[5]pad3[3]是否对内存对齐有任何影响? Number2Value变量的分配是否仍是原子的?

If it is true, does replacing Name[5] and pad3[3] with std::string Name; make any difference in memory-alignment ? Will the assignments to Number2 and Value variables be still atomic?



此建议特定于体系结构.对于x86& x86_64(在低级编程中).您还应该检查编译器不要对代码重新排序.您可以为此使用编译器内存屏障".

This recommendation is architecture-specific. It is true for x86 & x86_64 (in a low-level programming). You should also check that compiler don't reorder your code. You can use "compiler memory barrier" for that.

x86的低级原子读写在英特尔参考手册英特尔®64和IA-32体系结构软件开发人员手册"第3A卷(http://www.intel.com/Assets/PDF/manual/253668.pdf ),第8.1.1节

Low-level atomic read and writes for x86 is described in Intel Reference manuals "The Intel® 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer’s Manual" Volume 3A ( http://www.intel.com/Assets/PDF/manual/253668.pdf) , section 8.1.1

Intel486处理器(以及以后的较新处理器)保证了以下各项 基本的内存操作将始终以原子方式进行:

The Intel486 processor (and newer processors since) guarantees that the following basic memory operations will always be carried out atomically:

  • 读取或写入字节
  • 读取或写入在16位边界上对齐的单词
  • 读取或写入在32位边界上对齐的双字
    • 读取或写入在64位边界上对齐的四字
    • 16位访问适合32位数据总线的未缓存内存位置
      • 未对齐的16位,32位和64位对适合缓存的缓存的访问线
        • Unaligned 16-, 32-, and 64-bit accesses to cached memory that fit within a cacheline
        • 该文档还对像Core2这样的较新处理器进行了原子上的更多描述. 并非所有未对齐的操作都是原子操作.

          This document also have more description of atomically for newer processors like Core2. Not all unaligned operations will be atomic.


          Other intel manual recommends this white paper:


          这篇关于C ++中的原子性:神话还是现实的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-19 15:07