i'm writing a little coffeescript/js app that allows user to design icons ( 16x16 pixels or 32X32 pixels ).The icon is actually a 2 dimensional array with color cells. A cell can have a color or be empty.
I want the user to be able to fill blank cells with a "bucket paint" tool.
It means that
if the user clicks on a blank cell , all the cells that are blank next to the clicked cell with be filled with the choosen color , until it reaches a colored cell
if the user clicks on a colored cell , all the cells that are next to the clicked cell and share the same color will be filled , but not the blank ones nor the colored ones ( with another color ).
The app already allows the user to fill cells one by one with a chosen color , or delete colored cells with a pen tool.
Any suggestions ?
(ps : i'm not using html canvas to draw )
Since this is only 16x16 or 32x32 you can use a recursive solution:
Say your starting point is to change pixel x/y from color A to color B (A or B can be empty).
In pseudo code:
function floodfill(x,y,A,B) {
if ((x<0) || (x>15) || (y<0) || (y>15)) return;
if (get_color(x,y)!=A) return;
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