

我们需要将所有MS Office文档转换为PDF,TIFF或任何类似的图像格式,而又不会造成格式损失(这些是不能篡改的正式文档).

We are in need of converting all MS Office documents to PDF, TIFF, or any similar image format with no loss in formatting (these are official documents that cannot have tampering).

是否可以在不执行此操作的计算机上安装Office的情况下执行此操作?理想情况下,它将在服务器上运行并运行多线程,而无需Office Automation的开销.

Is there any way to do this without installing Office on the machine that would do this? Ideally, this would go on a server and run multi-threaded without the overhead of Office Automation.



You could use a third-party library such as Aspose.NET for document conversion, but I'm afraid - if high-fidelity rendering is critical - there is no way around using the original application.

Microsoft Office提供了一个转换器API,该API允许在不安装Office的情况下进行转换.但是,您不仅可能会面临许可证问题(IANAL),而且此API仅支持不需要渲染文档的文本处理格式的转换(例如RTF-> DOC,DOC-> DOCX),所以它不是真的一个适合您的选择.

Microsoft Office provides a converter API which allows conversions without Office being installed. However, not only might you be facing license issues (IANAL), this API only supports conversions of text-processing formats that don't require rendering the document (e.g. RTF -> DOC, DOC -> DOCX), so it is not really an option for you.

更新:可能最好的选择是查看SharePoint 2010转换引擎,该引擎正是为自动(服务器端)文档转换而设计的.不过,它非常繁重(无论是硬件还是价格),因此对于您的用例来说可能算是过高了.

Update: Probably the best option would be to have a look at the SharePoint 2010 conversion engine, which is exactly made for automated (server-side) document conversions. It's quite heavy though (both hardware and pricing) so maybe it is overkill for your use-case.


08-04 02:13