本文介绍了ANTLR4 互左递归文法的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我在 StackOverflow 上阅读了很多关于 LL(k) 解析器中相互左递归问题的问题.我找到了去除左递归的通用算法:

I have read many questions here on StackOverflow about mutual left-recursion issues in LL(k) parsers. I found the general algorithm for removing left-recursion:

A : Aa | b ;


A : bR ;
R : (aA)? ;


However, I cannot figure out how to apply it to my situation. I have

left_exp: IDENT | exp DOT IDENT ;
exp     : handful
        | of
        | other rules
        | left_exp ;

少数其他规则"都包含正则递归,比如exp : exp PLUS exp 等,没有问题.问题在于 left_expexp 是相互递归的.

The "handful of other rules" all contain regular recursion, such as exp : exp PLUS exp, etc. and have no issues. The issue is with left_exp and exp being mutually recursive.

我想过将 IDENTexp DOT IDENT 添加到 exp 规则中,但在某些情况下,其他有效的 exp 规则不适用,其中 left_exp 将是有效的.

I thought about just adding IDENT and exp DOT IDENT to the exp rules, but there are some situations where the other valid exp rules do not apply, where left_exp would be valid.



I also have the following rule, which calls for a left expression followed by assignment.

assign_statement: left_exp ( COLON IDENT )? EQUAL exp SEMI ;

由于正则表达式后面只有DOT IDENT才算左表达式,看来不能随便加

Since a regular expression is only a left expression if it is followed by DOT IDENT, it seems that I can't just add



to my expression definition, because then assignment would accept any other valid expression on the left side, rather than only one of those two.



The approach I apply usually goes like this:

A: Aa | b;


A: b (a)*;


Or in general: all alts without left recursion followed by all alts with a (removed) left recursion with unlimited occurences (expressed via the kleene operator). Example:

A: Aa | Ab | c | d | Ae;


A: (c | d) (a | b | e)*;

A: (c | d) (a | b | e)*;

您可以通过不断替换 A 来轻松检查:

You can check this easily by continuosly replacing A:

A: Aa | b;
A: (Aa | b)a | b;
A: Aaa | ba | b;
A: (Aa | b)aa | ba | b;
A: Aaaa | baa | ba | b;

然而,在您的示例中,您有一个间接左递归(通过 2 条规则).这不被 ANTLR 接受.一个解决方案是将 alts 从 left_exp 移动到 exp 规则,然后应用我上面描述的算法.

In your example however you have an indirect left recursion (via 2 rules). This is not accepted by ANTLR. A solution is to move the alts from left_exp to the exp rule and then apply the algorithm I described above.

这篇关于ANTLR4 互左递归文法的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-03 18:13