本文介绍了为什么 L={wxw^R|w, x 属于 {a,b}^+ } 是正则语言的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


使用泵引理,我们可以很容易地证明语言L1 = {WcW^R|W ∈ {a,b}*}不是常规语言.(字母是{a,b,c};W^R代表反向串W)

Using pumping lemma, we can easily prove that the language L1 = {WcW^R|W ∈ {a,b}*} is not a regular language. (the alphabet is {a,b,c}; W^R represents the reverse string W)

然而,如果我们将字符 c 替换为 "x"(x ∈ {a,b}+),例如 L2 = {WxW^R|x,W∈{a,b}^+},那么L2是正则语言.

However, If we replace character c with "x"(x ∈ {a,b}+), say, L2 = {WxW^R| x, W ∈ {a,b}^+}, then L2 is a regular language.



是的,L2 是正则语言 :).

Yes, L2 is Regular Language :).

语言 L2 = {WXW|x, W ∈ {a,b}} 表示:

Language L2 = {WXW| x, W ∈ {a,b}} means:

  • string 应该以任何由 ab 组成的字符串开头,即 W 并以反向字符串 W 彼此相反,所以字符串以相同的符号 开始和结束(可以是 ab)
  • 并且在中间包含ab任意字符串,即X.(因为+X的长度变得大于1|X| >= 1)
  • string should start any string consist of a and b that is W and end with reverse string W.
  • notice: because W and W are reverse of each other so string start and end with same symbol (that can be either a or b)
  • And contain any string of a and b in middle that is X. (because of +, length of X becomes greater than one |X| >= 1)


Example of this kind of strings can be following:


aabababa, as follows:

   a    ababab    a
  --   --------   --
   w     X        W^R



   b    ababab    b
  --   --------   --
   w     X        W^R

请参阅W 的长度不是语言定义中的约束.

See length of W is not a constraint in language definition.

所以可以假设任何字符串 WXW 等于 a(a + b)ab(a + b)b

so any string WXW can be assume equals to a(a + b)a or b(a + b)b

    a    (a + b)+   a
   ---   --------  ---
    W      X       W^R

    b    (a + b)+   b
   ---   --------  ---
    W      X       W^R

这种语言的正则表达式是:a(a + b)a + b(a + b)b

And Regular Expression for this language is: a(a + b)a + b(a + b)b

语言WXW 可以说:如果以a 开始,以a 结束,如果以b 以 b 结尾.所以相应地我们需要两个最终状态.

Language WXW can be say: if start with a ends with a and if start with b end with b. so correspondingly we need two final states.

  • Q6 如果 Wa
  • Q5 如果 Wb
  • Q6 if W is a
  • Q5 if W is b

IT 的 DFA 如下所示.

ITs DFA is as given below.

这篇关于为什么 L={wxw^R|w, x 属于 {a,b}^+ } 是正则语言的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-03 18:02