我有以下代码,它被 SEGV 信号杀死.使用调试器显示它被 main() 中的第一个 sem_init() 杀死.如果我注释掉第一个 sem_init() ,第二个会导致同样的问题.我已经尝试找出什么会导致这个 sys 调用导致 SEGV.else 没有运行,因此错误发生在它可以返回值之前.任何帮助将不胜感激,谢谢.
I have the following code and it is being killed by a SEGV signal. Using the debugger shows that it is being killed by the first sem_init() in main(). If I comment out the first sem_init() the second causes the same problem. I have tried figuring out what would cause this sys call to cause a SEGV. The else is not being run, so the error is happening before it can return a value.Any help would be greatly appreciated,Thank you.
I removed the rest of the code that isnt being run before this problem occurs.
#define PORTNUM 7000
#define NUM_OF_THREADS 5
#define oops(msg) { perror(msg); exit(1);}
#define FCFS 0
#define SJF 1;
void bindAndListen();
void acceptConnection(int socket_file_descriptor);
void* dispatchJobs(void*);
void* replyToClient(void* pos);
//holds ids of worker threads
pthread_t threads[NUM_OF_THREADS];
//mutex variable for sleep_signal_cond
pthread_mutex_t sleep_signal_mutex[NUM_OF_THREADS];
//holds the condition variables to signal when the thread should be unblocked
pthread_cond_t sleep_signal_cond[NUM_OF_THREADS];
//mutex for accessing sleeping_thread_list
pthread_mutex_t sleeping_threads_mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
//list of which threads are sleeping so they can be signaled and given a job
std::vector<bool> *sleeping_threads_list = new std::vector<bool>();
//number of threads ready for jobs
sem_t* available_threads;
sem_t* waiting_jobs;
//holds requests waiting to be given to one of the threads for execution
std::vector<std::vector<int> >* jobs = new std::vector<std::vector<int> >();
pthread_mutex_t jobs_mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
int main (int argc, char * const argv[]) {
//holds id for thread responsible for removing jobs from ready queue and assigning them to worker thread
pthread_t dispatcher_thread;
//initializes semaphores
if(sem_init(available_threads, 0, NUM_OF_THREADS) != 0){ //this is the line causing the SEGV
oops("Error Initializing Semaphore");
if(sem_init(waiting_jobs, 0, 0) !=0){
oops("Error Initializing Semaphore");
//initializes condition variables and guarding mutexes
for(int i=0; i<NUM_OF_THREADS; i++){
pthread_cond_init(&sleep_signal_cond[i], NULL);
pthread_mutex_init(&sleep_signal_mutex[i], NULL);
if(pthread_create(&dispatcher_thread, NULL, dispatchJobs, (void*)NULL) !=0){
oops("Error Creating Distributer Thread");
You declare pointers to your semaphores:
sem_t* available_threads;
sem_t* waiting_jobs;
函数不期望分配内存,只是为了初始化现有的内存块.要么分配一些内存并将这些指针分配给它,要么将信号量声明为 sem_t
并将地址传递给 sem_init
but never initialize the memory. The sem_init
function is not expecting to allocate memory, just to initialize an existing blob of memory. Either allocate some memory and assign these pointers to it, or declare the semaphores as sem_t
and pass the address to sem_init
这篇关于sem_init() 导致 SEGV的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!