I created a WPF application. It works completely fine on desktops but the moment the application is ran on a touchscreen it crashes. I've turned off touchscreen processes and the application worked completely fine. I'm wondering has anyone found a "better" fix than to disable touchscreen processes, as this would not work on the microsoft surface or and windows tablet.
我目前使用.NET 4.5
I'm currently using .Net 4.5
我有有许多问题与WPF 的AutomationPeer
I have had many problems with WPF AutomationPeer
您也许可以迫使你的WPF UI元素为您解决问题使用通过不返回子控件的AutomationPeers行为有所不同,以默认的自定义的AutomationPeer。这可能会阻止任何UI自动化的东西的工作,但希望在你的情况,因为在我,你是不是使用UI自动化..
You might be able to solve your problem by forcing your WPF UI elements to use a custom AutomationPeer that behaves differently to the default one by not returning AutomationPeers of child controls. This might stop any UI automation stuff working, but hopefully in your case, as in mine, you are not using UI automation..
创建继承的自定义自动化同级类从 FrameworkElementAutomationPeer
并覆盖 GetChildrenCore
Create a custom automation peer class that inherits from FrameworkElementAutomationPeer
and overrides the GetChildrenCore
method, to return an empty list instead of the child control automation peers. This should stop problems occuring when something attempts to iterate through the tree of AutomationPeers.
另外重写 GetAutomationControlTypeCore
来指定你会使用自动化控制输入对上。在这个例子中,我通过了 AutomationControlType
Also override the GetAutomationControlTypeCore
to specify the control type that you will use the automation peer on. In this example I am passing the AutomationControlType
as a constructor parameter. If you apply your custom automation peer to your Windows it should solve your problems as I think the root element is used to return all children.
public class MockAutomationPeer : FrameworkElementAutomationPeer
AutomationControlType _controlType;
public MockAutomationPeer(FrameworkElement owner, AutomationControlType controlType)
: base(owner)
_controlType = controlType;
protected override string GetNameCore()
return "MockAutomationPeer";
protected override AutomationControlType GetAutomationControlTypeCore()
return _controlType;
protected override List<AutomationPeer> GetChildrenCore()
return new List<AutomationPeer>();
要使用自定义自动化同级覆盖了<$ C在你的UI元素如:$ C> OnCreateAutomationPeer 方法窗口:
To use the custom automation peer override the OnCreateAutomationPeer
method in your UI element e.g. Window:
protected override System.Windows.Automation.Peers.AutomationPeer OnCreateAutomationPeer()
return new MockAutomationPeer(this, AutomationControlType.Window);