


I have a class that has members injected through constructors, and OTHERS through setters. I can't seem to get Mockito to inject the setter ones. The constructor-injected are mocked fine, but the setter ones come back as null. When I flipped the setter-ed members to constructor- injected, all is well. here is the original production code:

private BetRepository betRepository;

public void setBetRepository(BetRepository betRepository) {
this.betRepository = betRepository;

public TournamentScoringCache(TournamentScoringCacheInitializer cacheInitializer,
        ScoringEngineInitializer scoringEngineInitializer) {
    tournamentUserStates = cacheInitializer.initCache();
    scoringEngines = scoringEngineInitializer.initEngines();

public <T extends SideScore> void updateGameScore(Long tournamentId, Long gameId, MatchScore<T> score) {
    Map<Long, UserTournamentState> userStates = tournamentUserStates.get(tournamentId);
    ScoringEngine<?> scoringEngine = scoringEngines.get(tournamentId);
    List<Bet> bets = betRepository.getBetsByGameId(gameId);  //HERE IS WHERE I GET THE NPE


BetRepository betRepository;
TournamentScoringCacheInitializer cacheInitializer;
ScoringEngineInitializer engineInitializer;

private TournamentScoringCacheAndDB tournamentScoringCache;

public void testUpdateGameScore() {
    when(engine.getBetScore(bet1, score)).thenReturn(betScore);
    when(engine.getBetScore(bet2, score)).thenReturn(betScore2);

    tournamentScoringCache.updateGameScore(tournamentId, gameId, score);




是的,@ InjectMocks注释使Mockito EITHER进行构造函数注入,或者进行setter/field注入,但绝不能同时进行.选择周围的规则非常复杂,这就是为什么我尽量避免使用@InjectMocks的原因之一.

Yes, the @InjectMocks annotation makes Mockito EITHER do constructor injection, OR setter/field injection, but NEVER both. The rules around which will be chosen are quite complicated, which is one reason why I try to avoid using @InjectMocks whenever possible.

总而言之,Mockito FIRST从类拥有的构造器中选择一个构造器,然后分析该构造器是否可用于构造器注入.它选择的那个永远是参数数量最多的那个.如果有多个构造函数具有相同数量的参数,那么将不确定会选择哪个.

To summarise, Mockito FIRST chooses one constructor from among those that the class has, THEN analyses whether that constructor can be used for constructor injection. The one it chooses will always be the one with the greatest number of arguments. If there are several constructors with the same number of arguments, then it is undefined which one will be chosen.


Constructor injection will NOT be used if the type of one or more of the parameters of the CHOSEN constructor is a primitive type, or a final class or a private class. Even if there are other constructors that COULD be used.


If constructor injection is not used, or if the only constructor is the default constructor, then setter/field injection will be used instead. But setter/field injection is never used in conjunction with constructor injection.


07-29 21:02