


I'm starting to play with Android binding. The standard (1-way) binding is to the point of being good enough for the people I hang out with.

但是,我发现没有Could not find accessor错误,我不能使用Lombok访问器.您是否找到了解决此问题的方法,而又不愿手动编写像某种对龙目岛一无所知的野兽那样的吸气剂和吸气剂呢?

However, I find that I can't use Lombok accessors without a Could not find accessor error. Have you found a way around this, shy of manually writing getters and setters like some kind of Lombok-ignorant cavebeast?

@Getter @Setter
private String stringField;

//Must uncomment hand-coded accessors to compile!
//public String getStringField() { return stringField;}
//public void setStringField(String s) { stringField = s;}


For posterity, my original sample code was using a boolean, which clouds the issue a little:

    @Getter @Setter private boolean showpassword = false;

/*  This only compiles if the handcoded accessors are uncommented.

    public boolean getShowpassword() {
        return showpassword;
    public void setShowpassword(boolean b) {
        showpassword = b;



For boolean, by default the generated "getter" is isShowpassword, following the beanspec. The generated "setter" is setShowPassword. The error message suggests it is the "getter" that cannot be found.

您可以使用配置键来更改此行为.根据文档,如果您在 lombok.config 您的程序应该无需手写的getter和setter即可工作:

You can use a configuration key to change this behavior. According to the documentation, if you include the following in lombok.config your program should work without the hand written getter and setter:

lombok.getter.noIsPrefix = true


07-29 17:53