本文介绍了Automake 生成二​​进制文件到 bin/而不是在 src/的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I searched for the answer to this question but couldn't find any good. Maybe they're old and something has changed, so I ask again.



  • src


我想要这样,当我在根目录中进行 make 时,二进制文件会放在 ./bin 中,而不是杂乱无章的 ./src.但是如何?

I want that, when I do make in the root dir, the binaries are put in ./bin, instead of cluttering ./src. But how?

我正在使用 C++.我的 Makefile.am 没有什么特别之处.只是 bin_PROGRAM 和 _SOURCES 变量.

I am using C++. My Makefile.am has nothing special. Just the bin_PROGRAM and _SOURCES variables.

当我运行 make 时,生成的二进制文件被放入 ./src 中.我只是想让它们在 ./bin 中.

When I run make, the binaries generated are put into ./src. I simply want them in ./bin.



您的构建树位于您运行 configure 的任何地方.这就是 autoconf 的工作原理.您的包的用户(不想弄乱他们的源代码树)希望它以这种方式工作.

Your build tree is wherever you run configure. That's how autoconf is designed to work. Users of your package (who do not want to clutter their source tree) will expect it to work this way.


This approach is a more general solution with a lot more flexibility than the organization you're imagining. For instance, it's not terribly unusual to want to maintain sources and build files on separate filesystems.

这篇关于Automake 生成二​​进制文件到 bin/而不是在 src/的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-23 10:23