我正在尝试使用 rbenv 和 cron 运行 Ruby 脚本.我知道我需要加载 rbenv 才能加载正确的 Ruby 版本.
I'm trying to run a Ruby script using rbenv with cron.I know that I need to load rbenv in order to have the right Ruby version loaded.
*/10 * * * */bin/bash -c 'source $HOME/.bashrc;cd/数据/应用程序;红宝石 -v' >>/tmp/logfile.txt 2>&1
但由于会话不是交互式的,我没有正确的 Ruby 版本.我找到了这样的例子:
but as the session is not interactive, I'm not having the right Ruby version.I've found example like this:
15 14 1 * * export BASH_ENV=/path/to/environment &&/full/path/to/bash -c '/full/path/to/rvm_script.rb'
It didn't work neither. Then I wrote a loader, which only load rbenv in the current shell but it doesn't work.
*/1 * * * */bin/bash -c '$HOME/.rbenv/loader.sh ;cd/数据/应用程序/;红宝石 -v ' >>/tmp/logfile.txt 2>&1
Now I'm searching for another way to load it ... any ideas?
我找到了加载 rbenv 的解决方案.使用加载器将 rbenv 导入到 PATH 中:
I've found a solution to load rbenv. Either with a loader importing rbenv to the PATH :
*/1 * * * */bin/bash -c '.$HOME/.rbenv/loader.sh ;cd/数据/应用程序/;红宝石 -v'
'.'在 '$HOME/.rbenv/loader.sh' 很重要之前,它会在当前 shell 中运行脚本
The '.' before '$HOME/.rbenv/loader.sh' is important, it runs the script in the current shell
Or without loader, which is better :
*/1 * * * */bin/bash -c 'export PATH="$HOME/.rbenv/bin:$PATH" ;eval "$(rbenv init -)";cd/数据/应用程序/;红宝石 -v'
这篇关于如何使用 rbenv 和 cron 运行 Ruby 脚本的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!