我试图在 SQLite3 表中插入一个假布尔值,但它总是插入一个真值.
I'm trying to insert a false boolean value in a SQLite3 table but it always inserts a true value.
class CreateUsers < ActiveRecord::Migration
def self.up
create_table :users do |t|
t.column :name, :string
t.column :active, :boolean, :default => false, :null => false
def self.down
drop_table :resources
当我尝试使用 rails 插入时,它会生成以下 SQL:
When I try to insert using rails it produces the following SQL:
INSERT INTO "users" ("name", "active") VALUES ('test', 'f')
SQLite 将 'f' 视为 true,因此它会将 true 插入到我的数据库中.我希望它生成的查询是:
SQLite treats 'f' as true so it inserts true into my database. The query I want it to generate is:
INSERT INTO "users" ("name", "active") VALUES ('test', false)
sqlite3 gem: 1.3.3
sqlite3 gem: 1.3.3
SQLite 使用 1 表示 true 和0 表示假:
SQLite uses 1 for true and 0 for false:
SQLite 没有单独的布尔存储类.相反,布尔值存储为整数 0(假)和 1(真).
但 SQLite 也有一个松散的类型系统并自动转换,所以你的 'f'
But SQLite also has a loose type system and automatically casts things so your 'f'
is probably being interpreted as having a truthiness of "true" simply because it isn't zero.
一点点挖掘表明您在 Rails 3.0.7 SQLiteAdapter 中发现了一个错误.在 active_record/connection_adapters/abstract/quoting.rb
A bit of digging indicates that you have found a bug in the Rails 3.0.7 SQLiteAdapter. In active_record/connection_adapters/abstract/quoting.rb
, we find these:
def quoted_true
def quoted_false
因此,默认情况下,ActiveRecord 假定数据库理解布尔列的 't'
和 'f'
.MySQL 适配器覆盖这些以与布尔列的 tinyint
So, by default, ActiveRecord assumes that the database understands 't'
and 'f'
for boolean columns. The MySQL adaptor overrides these to work with its tinyint
implementation of boolean columns:
QUOTED_TRUE, QUOTED_FALSE = '1'.freeze, '0'.freeze
def quoted_true
def quoted_false
但是 SQLite 适配器不提供自己的 quoted_true
或 quoted_false
实现,因此它获得了不适用于 SQLite 布尔值的默认值.
But the SQLite adapter does not provide its own implementations of quoted_true
or quoted_false
so it gets the defaults which don't work with SQLite's booleans.
和 'f'
布尔值在 PostgreSQL 中工作,所以也许每个人都在使用 PostgreSQL 和 Rails 3,或者他们只是没有注意到他们的查询是't 工作正常.
The 't'
and 'f'
booleans work in PostgreSQL so maybe everyone is using PostgreSQL with Rails 3 or they're just not noticing that their queries aren't working properly.
我对此感到有点惊讶,希望有人能指出我哪里出错了,您不可能是第一个在 SQLite 中使用带有 Rails 3 的布尔列的人.
I'm a little surprised by this and hopefully someone can point out where I've gone wrong, you can't be the first person to use a boolean column in SQLite with Rails 3.
尝试将 defquoted_true;'1';end
和 defquoted_false;'0';end
修补到 ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::SQLiteAdapter
(或临时手工编辑它们到 active_record/connection_adapters/sqlite_adapter.rb
),看看你是否得到了合理的 SQL.
Try monkey patching def quoted_true;'1';end
and def quoted_false;'0';end
into ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::SQLiteAdapter
(or temporarily hand-edit them into active_record/connection_adapters/sqlite_adapter.rb
) and see if you get sensible SQL.
这篇关于Rails 3 SQLite3 布尔假的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!