我已经使用 2年左右,现在已经切换到。
不幸的是,这已经破坏了我的一些功能。 >
< plugin>
< groupId> org.codehaus.mojo< / groupId>
< artifactId> exec-maven-plugin< / artifactId>
< execution>
< id> generateDTOs< / id>
< phase> generate-sources< / phase>
< goals>
< goal> java< / goal>
< / goals>
< configuration>
< classpathScope> test< / classpathScope>
< mainClass> com.somecompany.SomeCodeGenerator< / mainClass>
< arguments>
< argument> $ {project.build.directory} / generated-sources / foo< / argument>
< argument> $ {project.basedir} / path / to / a / config / file< / argument>
< argument>更多参数< / argument>
< / arguments>
< / configuration>
< / execution>
< / executions>
< / plugin>
< plugin>
< groupId> org.codehaus.mojo< / groupId>
< artifactId> build-helper-maven-plugin< / artifactId>
< execution>
< id> addDtoSourceFolder< / id>
< goals>
< goal> add-source< / goal>
< / goals>
< phase> process-sources< / phase>
< configuration>
< sources>
< source> $ {project.build.directory} / generated-sources / foo< / source>
< / sources>
< / configuration>
< / execution>
< / executions>
< / plugin>
现在,m2e已经为buildhelper插件安装了一个连接器,所以源文件夹被创建,但是必须通过执行 Run As>手动触发代码生成。 Maven>产生来源
。这真的很烦人,我想要maven构建来响应pom.xml的变化, Project>清洁...
< project>
< build>
< pluginManagement>
< plugins>
<! - 此插件的配置仅用于存储Eclipse m2e设置。它对Maven构建本身没有影响
。 - >
< plugin>
< groupId> org.eclipse.m2e< / groupId>
< artifactId>生命周期映射< / artifactId>
< version> 1.0.0< / version>
< configuration>
< lifecycleMappingMetadata>
< pluginExecutions>
< pluginExecution>
< pluginExecutionFilter>
< groupId> org.codehaus.mojo< / groupId>
< artifactId> exec-maven-plugin< / artifactId>
< versionRange> [,]< / versionRange>
< goals>
< goal> java< / goal>
< / goals>
< / pluginExecutionFilter>
< action>
< execute />
< / action>
< / pluginExecution>
< / pluginExecutions>
< / lifecycleMappingMetadata>
< / configuration>
< / plugin>
< / plugins>
< / pluginManagement>
< / build>
< / project>
- 这将导致M2E执行您的POM中指定的所有全部执行 java执行,这一点非常重要。作为每个Eclipse构建的一部分。这意味着他们会经常运行,如果速度很慢,会是一个很大的麻烦。我不知道你会如何让M2E运行其中一些,并跳过其他的。您可能必须在个人资料中放置不需要的执行。
I have been using m2eclipse for 2 years or so and have now switched to m2e.
Unfortunately, this has broken some functionality for me.
In many projects, I have generated Java code, usually generated through a main class in a library project. Here's a typical setup:
<argument>more arguments</argument>
Previously, I would just have to import that project with eclipse as a maven project, the code would automatically be executed and the source folder added to the eclipse project.
Now, m2e has installed a "connector" for the buildhelper plugin, so the source folder is created, but I have to manually trigger code generation by executing Run As > Maven > generate-sources
. This is really annoying, I would like the maven build to respond to pom.xml changes, Project > Clean ...
, SVN Updates, Eclipse startup etc. as it previously did.
What can I do to make m2e work like m2eclipse?
You have to tell M2E that it's okay to run your code generator as part of the Eclipse build:
<!--This plugin's configuration is used to store Eclipse m2e settings only. It has no influence
on the Maven build itself. -->
- It's important to put this configuration in the pluginManagement section, not directly under plugins.
- This will cause M2E to perform all java executions specified in your POM as part of every Eclipse build. This means they will run often and be a big nuisance if they are slow. I'm not sure how you would get M2E to run some of them and skip others. You'd probably have to place the unwanted executions in profiles.