

您如何知道数据是否未更改以及Firebase Cloud功能中的新增功能?我尝试了几种不同的选项来标记如果只是更改了数据,则不发送推送通知.我也尝试从快照_newData获取和_data子节点进行比较,并且如果__newData更大,则这是一条新记录,但是没有用.请告诉我该怎么做.

How do you know if the data is not changing and what's new in Firebase Cloud functions? I've tried several different options to flag that if the data is just changed, then I do not send push notification. Also I tried to get from snapshot _newData  And _data child nodes to compare the number, and if __newData is greater, then this is a new record, but it did not work. Please tell me how it can be done.


   module.exports = functions.database.ref('/userListEvents/{userID}')
        .onWrite(event => {

            const snapshot = event.data;

            if (event.data.val() && !event.data.previous.val()) {
                console.log('send push notification');
            } else if (snapshot._data) {
                console.log('send push notification');
            } else {
                return console.log('data was removed');


    .onWrite(event => {

已更新:此选项对我不起作用,因为如果我执行例如functions.database.ref ('/ userListEvents / {userID} / {eventID}'),则报告错误,该字段不能为空.

Updated: This option does not work for me, because if I do eg functions.database.ref ('/ userListEvents / {userID} / {eventID}'), then an error is reported that the field must not be empty.


I tried so but I didn't get a good result.

if (event.data.val() && !event.data.previous.val()) {
        console.log('send push notification');
    } else if (event.data.val() && event.data.previous.val()) {
        const newData = event.data.val();
        const previousData = event.data.previous.val();
        console.log('newData', newData, 'previousData', previousData);
        const newDataKeys = Object.keys(newData);
        const previousDataKeys = Object.keys(previousData);

        if (newDataKeys.length > previousDataKeys.length) {
            console.log('send push', newDataKeys.length, previousDataKeys.length);
        } else {
            return console.log('just update data', newDataKeys.length, previousDataKeys.length);
    } else {
        return console.log('removed data')



You need to compare using event.data.current.val() not event.data.val(). Example:

exports.detectChange = functions.database.ref('/userListEvents/{userID}')
    .onWrite(event => {
        const crnt = event.data.current;
        const prev = event.data.previous;

        if (crnt.val() && !prev.val()) {
            // value created
            console.log('Created: send push notification');
        } else if (!crnt.val() && prev.val()) {
            // value removed
            console.log('Removed: send push notification');
        } else {
            // value updated


05-29 04:20