This question is different than this another oneSo, I have been observed the native google maps app when it draw long ways on the map.
When the zoom is too far, the lines are not full of details ... I mean, when we use the google maps api and request for a path between two different points we receive the whole coordinates for draw the most detailed path on the map.
As we change the zoom the drawn lines receive more details.
The question is. Is there a way to do something like the native google maps app ? Can we ask for less details to draw the path on the map using google maps api ? Can we improve the lines drawn details as we change the zoom ?
If the answer is "no" for all of my questions, here you go another one: How can we draw a long path on map without lag issues ?
I hope I've be clear, sorry about my English.
Google Maps is probably a bitmap of that path generated by the server. A new one for every zoom level.
You can do something similar but it's quite some work. But it should be faster to generate a transparent bitmap once instead of drawing the path each time the view needs to refresh. You can also draw a path with reduced details if you simply skip some points but finding an algorithm that does not skip the important parts is quite tricky.