该列表当前位于csv文件中。 (它本质上是一个产品列表,每个产品都有识别信息(名称,品牌,条形码等)和产品图像的链接。
我想循环浏览列表,并下载每个图像文件。理想情况下,我想重命名每一个 - 比如barcode.jpg。
I need to find (preferably) or build an app for a lot of images.Each image has a distinct URL. There are many thousands, so doing it manually is a huge effort.The list is currently in an csv file. (It is essentially a list of products, each with identifying info (name, brand, barcode, etc) and a link to a product image.I'd like to loop through the list, and download each image file. Ideally I'd like to rename each one - something like barcode.jpg.I've looked at a number of image scrapers, but haven't found one that works quite this way.Very appreciative of any leads to the right tool, or ideas...
你在Windows或Mac / Linux吗?在Windows中你可以使用powershell脚本,在mac / linux上有一个大约1-5行代码的shell脚本。
Are you on Windows or Mac/Linux? In Windows you can use a powershell script for this, on mac/linux a shell script with about 1-5 lines of code.
# show what's inside the file
cat urlsofproducts.csv
http://bit.ly/noexist/obj101.jpg, screwdriver, blackndecker
http://bit.ly/noexist/obj102.jpg, screwdriver, acme
# this one-liner will GENERATE one download-command per item, but will not execute them
perl -MFile::Basename -F", " -anlE "say qq(wget -q \$F[0] -O '\$F[1]--\$F[2]--). basename(\$F[0]) .q(')" urlsofproducts.csv
# Output :
wget http://bit.ly/noexist/obj101.jpg -O ' screwdriver-- blackndecker--obj101.jpg'
wget http://bit.ly/noexist/obj101.jpg -O ' screwdriver-- acme--obj101.jpg'
现在返回 - 将wget命令替换为shell。
Now back-substitute the wget commands into the shell.