delete ptr;
will it lead to memory leak, if not then why ?
This is disassembly code generated by VS2005
; delete ptr;
0041351D mov eax,dword ptr [ptr]
00413520 mov dword ptr [ebp-0ECh],eax
00413526 mov ecx,dword ptr [ebp-0ECh]
0041352C push ecx
0041352D call operator delete (4111DBh)
00413532 add esp,4
; delete []ptr;
00413535 mov eax,dword ptr [ptr]
00413538 mov dword ptr [ebp-0E0h],eax
0041353E mov ecx,dword ptr [ebp-0E0h]
00413544 push ecx
00413545 call operator delete[] (4111E5h)
0041354A add esp,4
这是否会导致内存泄漏、擦除您的硬盘、让您怀孕、让讨厌的 Nasal Demons 在您的公寓周围追逐您,或者让一切正常没有明显的问题,是未定义的.一个编译器可能是这样,另一个编译器会改变,随着新编译器版本的变化,随着每个新的编译,月相,你的心情,或者取决于最后一个晴天时通过处理器的中微子数量下午.或者它可能不会.
Whether this leads to a memory leak, wipes your hard disk, gets you pregnant, makes nasty Nasal Demons chasing you around your apartment, or lets everything work fine with no apparent problems, is undefined. It might be this way with one compiler, and change with another, change with a new compiler version, with each new compilation, with the moon phases, your mood, or depending on the number of neutrinos that passed through the processor on the last sunny afternoon. Or it might not.
All that, and an infinite number of other possibilities are put into one term: Undefined behavior:
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