


As it is visible in the console output below, the application usually needs 7-10 seconds to process the service and often fails to do it. This happens on every startup.


Why is it taking so long? Is it because the service is trying to connect multiple times before giving up? Also, what is actually the logic behind this output?


Note: I don't have any FirebaseAnalytics code in my application

09-26 23:34:48.998 /package V/FA: Processing queued up service tasks: 1
09-26 23:34:54.009 /package V/FA: Inactivity, disconnecting from AppMeasurementService
09-26 23:34:57.357 /package V/FA: Activity paused, time: 89152495
09-26 23:34:57.383 /package V/FA: onActivityCreated



compile 'com.google.firebase:firebase-core:9.4.0'
compile 'com.google.firebase:firebase-database:9.4.0'
compile 'com.google.firebase:firebase-invites:9.4.0'
compile 'com.firebase:geofire-android:2.0.0'
compile 'com.firebaseui:firebase-ui:0.5.1'



The "Processing queued up service tasks" and "Inactivity, disconnecting from AppMeasurementService" messages are both logged on a worker thread, not the main app thread, so they are not holding up your app.

排队的服务任务的处理可能几乎立即完成;由于不活动而导致的断开连接仅意味着一段时间内没有人要求Firebase Analytics做任何事情,因此它将断开其服务,直到有人这样做为止.这很正常,尤其是在您的应用未调用FirebaseAnalytics的情况下.

The processing of queued up service tasks likely completes nearly instantly; the disconnect due to inactivity merely means that no one has asked Firebase Analytics to do anything for a while so it's disconnecting from its service until someone does. That's normal, especially if your app isn't making calls to FirebaseAnalytics.


"Activity paused" means that the app's current activity (screen) has been removed from display; this could be something your app did or user action. Since there's an "onActivityCreated" message right after that I'd say your app got rid of one activity and replaced it with another.


Without more information on what your app is doing it's very difficult to guess why the app might have slow responses.

顺便说一句,尝试使用"adb logcat -v threadtime"在日志记录语句中获取进程和线程ID.

BTW, try using "adb logcat -v threadtime" to get process and thread IDs in the logging statements.


08-04 00:42