我使用的是代码优先的实体框架(主要是因为使用RIA Services,无论如何,您都需要某种形式的代码类以获取其他属性)。
I'm using entity framework with code-first (primarily because with RIA Services, you need to have some form of the code classes anyway for additional attributes).
我想要一个数据库生成脚本来轻松更新Visual Studio数据库项目。我不想使用ef迁移,我更喜欢数据库项目。
I want to get a database generation script to easily update the visual studio database project. I don't want to use ef migrations, I prefer the database projects.
string sqlscript = (context as IObjectContextAdapter).ObjectContext.CreateDatabaseScript();
at runtime, but I want to have a convenient method to get the script without running the project in some way, and without using migrations.
I'm using ef4.1 and ef5 in different projects.
[ One way of answering this question would be a way to call above line from the package manager console.]
一种方法是使用Entity Framework Power Tools。他们为包含DbContext类的文件添加一个上下文菜单项,该类为数据库生成DDL文件。
One way is using the Entity Framework Power Tools. They add a context menu entry for the file containing the DbContext class which generates a DDL file for the database.
Another way is using LinqPad. After opening the dll in LinqPad, one can execute the code snippet given in the question in a query:
(this as IObjectContextAdapter).ObjectContext.CreateDatabaseScript()
Both ways are slightly inconvenient though as they require third-party tools.