

我的 winform 上有几个文本框.我也有几个按钮.现在,当我在一个这样的文本框上键入并单击一个按钮时,输入焦点从文本框中丢失,按钮获得输入键盘焦点.也就是说,当我们单击按钮时,光标从文本框中消失了.我不想要这种行为.即使单击按钮,我也希望我的文本框将光标保留在其中.实际情况是我的文本框和数字按钮只能在触摸屏上使用.

I have a few textboxes on my winform. I have a few buttons on it too. Now when I am typing on one such textbox and clicks a button, then the input focus is lost from the textbox and the button gets the input keyboard focus. That is, the cursor is lost from the textbox the moment we click the button. I dont want this behavior. I want my textbox to retain the cursor within even when I click the button.The real situation is that I am having textbox and numeric buttons to be only used from touchscreen.


尝试创建自己的按钮控件,继承标准控件但关闭 Selectable 样式:

Try creating your own button control that inherits from the standard one but turns off the Selectable style:

public class ButtonEx : Button {
  public ButtonEx() {
    this.SetStyle(ControlStyles.Selectable, false);


07-29 16:36