本文介绍了VBA Internet Explorer的自动化'权限被拒绝'的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


Dim IE as New InternetExplorer
IE.Visible = True


Do Until IE.Busy = False

IE.document.getElementsByTagName("Input")(3).Value = "Search Term"

IE.document.Forms(0).Submit     <------ This line results in error.


The error states Run-time error 70: 'Permission Denied'

请不要建议code改变。没有什么错与code。这个宏适用于9个10台计算机。这不是一个时机的问题(我仍然得到,即使我通过手动步骤的错误)。我知道还有其他方法来声明Internet Explorer对象。我一直在使用的CreateObject和所有的东西尝试。这一切都不重要。以管理员身份运行没有帮助的。

Please do not suggest code alterations. There is NOTHING wrong with the code. This macro works on 9 out of 10 computers. It is NOT a timing issue (I still get the error even if I step through manually). I know there are other ways to declare the internet explorer object. I have tried using CreateObject and all that stuff. None of it matters. Running as administrator does not help either.


This is just a simple example of the problem (we are actually automating much more complex tasks). So please do not ask "why do you want to do a goodle search?" and please do not ask "what are you trying to do". I need this problem solved. I don't need my code re written.

我们使用的是Windows XP,Internet Explorer 7中,和Office 2003中有什么东西导致随机的人不能够自动IE浏览器。这不是一个用户的问题,而是一个计算机的问题。我的意思是罪魁祸首电脑没有人可以自动化无论在哪个用户登录,但同一用户可以使用不同的电脑,一切都很好。因此,它可能是一个注册表本地计算机或类似的东西上设置。所有的计算机都在这里设立了同样的方式,同样规格,同样的软件。

We use Windows XP, Internet Explorer 7, and Office 2003. Something is causing random people to not be able to automate internet explorer. It is not a user issue, but a computer issue. What I mean is on the culprit computers nobody can automate no matter which user logs in. But the same user can use a different computer and everything is fine. Therefore, it is likely a registry setting on the local machine or something like that. All computers are set up the same way here, same specs, same software.


I have googled and googled and googled and googled. Unfortunately run-time error 70 seems to be a catch all and a lot of users report the error for different symptoms. In my case I have not found a solution otherwise I would not be asking here.


The only way we can solve it is to have IT completely reload everything on the hard drive. A clean refresh including the operating system. That takes care of the problem but it also forces the user set their machine up again to the way they had it before and reinstall all of the software and everything. That is not a good solution. There is a setting somewhere on the machine causing this or the refresh would not have an effect. I want to know what that setting is (my feeling is it is a registry setting).

任何帮助是AP preciated,谢谢。

Any help is appreciated, thanks.



I was having this exact same problem. Had a script for automating IE that had been working fine for a year. Then out of the blue I started receiving this "permission denied error". I did two things, one of which fixed the problem, but I don't know which one.

  1. 我要去掉Microsoft Internet控制,试图编译该项目的参考,增加提及互联网控制放回,并编译了该项目。

  1. I removed the reference to "Microsoft Internet Controls", attempted to compile the project, added the reference to "Internet Controls" back in, and compiled the project.


Removed the 'WithEvents' keyword when declaring the InternetExplorer object since I did not need to capture events events from IE anyway.


I suspect it was the first and that somehow the reference became corrupted and removing at and re-adding it fixed the problem.

这篇关于VBA Internet Explorer的自动化'权限被拒绝'的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-29 15:13