


I am using DllImport in my solution.
My problem is that I have two versions of the same DLL one built for 32 bit and another for 64 bit.

它们都提供了相同的功能,具有相同的名称和相同的签名。我的问题是,我不得不使用其中两个公开这些,然后在运行时使用的IntPtr 尺寸的静态方法来确定正确的调用。

They both expose the same functions with identical names and identical signatures.My problem is that I have to use two static methods which expose these and then at run time use IntPtr size to determine the correct one to invoke.

private static class Ccf_32
    public static extern int func1();

private static class Ccf_64
    public static extern int func1();

我必须这样做,因为 myDllName32 myDllName64 必须是恒定的,我还没有找到一种方法来设置它在运行时。

I have to do this because myDllName32 and myDllName64 must be constant and I have not found a way to set it at run time.

有没有人有这个,所以我可以摆脱code重复和不断的完善的解决方案的IntPtr 尺寸检查。

Does anyone have an elegant solution for this so I could get rid of the code duplication and the constant IntPtr size checking.


If I could set the file name, I would only have to check once and I could get rid of a ton of repeated code.


您也许可以做到这一点与#如果关键字。如果你定义一个名为的win32 条件编译符号,下面的code将使用Win32块,如果你删除它,将使用其它块:

You can probably achieve this with the #if keyword. If you define a conditional compiler symbol called win32, the following code will use the win32-block, if you remove it it will use the other block:

#if win32
    private static class ccf_32
        public static extern int func1();
    private static class ccf_64
        public static extern int func1();


This probably means that you can remove the class wrapping that you have now:

    private static class ccf
#if win32
        public static extern int func1();
        public static extern int func1();


For convenience, I guess you could create build configurations for controlling the compilation symbol.


07-22 15:56