


I have an ArrayList of Track objects.Each Track object has the following fields (all Strings):


url, title, creator, album, genre, composer


I want to display these tracks in a JTable, with each row being an instance of a Track object, and each column containing one of the properties of a Track object.


How can I display this data using a JTable? I've used an AbstractTableModel that implements the getValueAt() method correctly. Still, I dont see anything on the screen.


Or is it easier just to use arrays?


为了添加要显示在 JTable ,一个使用 TableModel 添加要显示的项目.

In order to add contents to display on a JTable, one uses the TableModel to add items to display.

DefaultTableModel添加一行数据的一种方法是使用 addRow 方法,该方法将采用表示数组中对象的Object数组.由于没有直接从ArrayList添加内容的方法,因此可以通过访问ArrayList的内容来创建Object的数组.

One of a way to add a row of data to the DefaultTableModel is by using the addRow method which will take an array of Objects that represents the objects in the row. Since there are no methods to directly add contents from an ArrayList, one can create an array of Objects by accessing the contents of the ArrayList.

以下示例使用KeyValuePair类作为数据的持有者(类似于您的Track类),该类将用于填充 DefaultTableModel 将表显示为JTable:

The following example uses a KeyValuePair class which is a holder for data (similar to your Track class), which will be used to populate a DefaultTableModel to display a table as a JTable:

class KeyValuePair
    public String key;
    public String value;

    public KeyValuePair(String k, String v)
        key = k;
        value = v;

// ArrayList containing the data to display in the table.
ArrayList<KeyValuePair> list = new ArrayList<KeyValuePair>();
list.add(new KeyValuePair("Foo1", "Bar1"));
list.add(new KeyValuePair("Foo2", "Bar2"));
list.add(new KeyValuePair("Foo3", "Bar3"));

// Instantiate JTable and DefaultTableModel, and set it as the
// TableModel for the JTable.
JTable table = new JTable();
DefaultTableModel model = new DefaultTableModel();
model.setColumnIdentifiers(new String[] {"Key", "Value"});

// Populate the JTable (TableModel) with data from ArrayList
for (KeyValuePair p : list)
    model.addRow(new String[] {p.key, p.value});


07-22 14:58