

我想比较元编程和c ++ 0x中constexpr的使用。
我使用g ++(gcc)4.8。有人能帮助我吗?

I want to compare meta programming and use of constexpr in c++0x.then I write a fib function in both model.when I use meta programming model, answer print out very fast because it calculated in compile time. but when I use constexpr funcion it calculate value in run time, not in compile time.I using g++( gcc ) 4.8 .can any body help me?

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
#define NUM 42

template <unsigned int N>
struct Fibonacci {
    enum { value = Fibonacci<N - 1>::value + Fibonacci<N - 2>::value };

template <>
struct Fibonacci<1> {
    enum { value = 1 };

template <>
struct Fibonacci<0> {
    enum { value = 1 };

constexpr unsigned int fib(unsigned int n)
    return (n > 1 ? fib(n-1) + fib(n-2) : 1 );

int main()

    cout << "Meta_fib(NUM)      : " << Fibonacci<NUM>::value << endl; // compile time :)
    cout << "Constexpr_fib(NUM) : " << fib(NUM) << endl;        // run time :-?
    return 0;


我相信原因是 constexpr 不能保证在编译时执行。要强制执行编译时评估,您必须将其分配给编译时别名。例如,

I believe the reason is that constexpr is not guaranteed to execute at compile-time. To enforce compile-time evaluation, you have to assign it to a compile-time alias. Like,

枚举{i = fib(NUM)};


05-26 08:49