我们刚刚发布了我们在AppStore上的应用程序的新版本(1.5版),该版本是用使用基地SDK 6.1,支持的iOS 5.0为最低X版本code 4.6建。现在的问题是,iOS的7用户无法安装最新版本(V1.5),但是他们可以看到在AppStore上1.5版,但是当他们安装他们得到1.4版本。
We have just released a new version (v1.5) of our app on AppStore, this version was built using Xcode 4.6 using base SDK 6.1, supporting iOS 5.0 as minimum version. Now the problem is that iOS 7 users are unable to install the latest version (v1.5), however they can see 1.5 version on AppStore but when they install it they get 1.4 version.
请注意:我们利用X code 5.0为X code提交了该应用程序4.6刚刚卡在中间......
Note: We submitted this app using Xcode 5.0 as Xcode 4.6 just got stuck in the middle...
不幸的是,问题是零星的,它与那些谁使用应用商店移动应用程序来安装我们的应用程序的用户发生。 App Store中显示最新版本在App商店的应用程序,但是当他们安装他们得到他们的设备上previous版本。然后,他如果用户启动应用商店再次能够升级到最新的版本。此问题不会影响现有客户,但新的(那些谁从他们的设备中删除该应用程序也遇到过类似的问题)。我们与苹果公司一次长时间的对话在这个问题上的电子邮件,最后他们承认,这是由于在末端的一些问题。
Unfortunately the issue was sporadic, it happens with those users who use "App Store" mobile app to install our application. App Store displays latest version in the App-Store app but when they install it they get a previous version on their devices. Then again if user launches "App Store" he is able to upgrade to the latest versions. This issue doesn't effected our existing customers but the new one (those who have deleted the app from their device also experienced similar issues). We had a long conversation with Apple on this issue over emails, finally they admitted that it was due some problem at their end.
Now it is fixed for our app and we no longer have this issue for current release. I hope this post will help to someone having similar problem.