I understand benefits of dependency injection itself. Let's take Spring for instance. I also understand benefits of other Spring featureslike AOP, helpers of different kinds, etc. I'm just wondering, what are the benefits of XML configuration such as:
<bean id="Mary" class="foo.bar.Female">
<property name="age" value="23"/>
<bean id="John" class="foo.bar.Male">
<property name="girlfriend" ref="Mary"/>
compared to plain old java code such as:
Female mary = new Female();
Male john = new Male();
,它更容易调试,检查了编译时间,并且仅懂Java的任何人都可以理解.那么,依赖注入框架的主要目的是什么? (或一段显示其优点的代码.)
which is easier debugged, compile time checked and can be understood by anyone who knows only java.So what is the main purpose of a dependency injection framework? (or a piece of code that shows its benefits.)
In case of
IService myService;// ...
public void doSomething() {
How can IoC framework guess which implementation of myService I want to be injected if there is more than one? If there is only one implementation of given interface, and I let IoC container automatically decide to use it, it will be broken after a second implementation appears. And if there is intentionally only one possible implementation of an interface then you do not need to inject it.
It would be really interesting to see small piece of configuration for IoC which shows it's benefits. I've been using Spring for a while and I can not provide such example. And I can show single lines which demonstrate benefits of hibernate, dwr, and other frameworks which I use.
I realize that IoC configuration can be changed without recompiling. Is it really such a good idea? I can understand when someone wants to change DB credentials without recompiling - he may be not developer. In your practice, how often someone else other than developer changes IoC configuration? I think that for developers there is no effort to recompile that particular class instead of changing configuration. And for non-developer you would probably want to make his life easier and provide some simpler configuration file.
What is so good in making it extenal? You don't make all your code external, while you definitely can - just place it in ClassName.java.txt file, read and compile manually on the fly - wow, you avoided recompiling. Why should compiling be avoided?!
I understand that sometimes declarative approach saves time. For example, I declare only once a mapping between a bean property and a DB column and hibernate uses this mapping while loading, saving, building SQL based on HSQL, etc. This is where the declarative approach works. In case of Spring (in my example), declaration had more lines and had the same expressiveness as corresponding code. If there is an example when such declaration is shorter than code - I would like to see it.
我确实了解控制权的倒置(我更喜欢将这里讨论的设计模式称为依赖注入",因为IoC更通用-有许多种控制方式,而我们仅将其中一种倒置-初始化控制) .我在问为什么有人需要编程语言以外的东西.我绝对可以使用代码将真实的实现替换为假的实现.而且此代码将表示与配置相同的内容-它将仅使用伪值初始化字段.
I do understand inversion of control benefits (I prefer to call the design pattern discussed here as Dependency Injection, because IoC is more general - there are many kinds of control, and we are inverting only one of them - control of initialization). I was asking why someone ever needs something other than a programming language for it. I definitely can replace real implementations with fake ones using code. And this code will express same thing as configuration - it will just initialize fields with fake values.
mary = new FakeFemale();
我确实了解DI的好处.与配置相同功能的代码相比,我不了解外部XML配置可以带来哪些好处.我认为不应避免进行编译-我每天都在编译,但我还活着.我认为DI的配置是声明式方法的不良示例.如果声明一次,并且以不同的方式多次使用,例如hibernate cfg,则声明很有用.例如,休眠属性cfg,其中bean属性和DB列之间的映射用于保存,加载,构建搜索查询等.SpringDI配置可以轻松转换为像在此问题开头一样配置代码,可以吗?而且它仅用于bean初始化,不是吗?这意味着声明性方法不会在此处添加任何内容,是吗?
I do understand benefits of DI. I do not understand what benefits are added by external XML configuration compared to configuring code that does the same. I do not think that compiling should be avoided - I compile every day and I'm still alive. I think configuration of DI is bad example of declarative approach. Declaration can be useful if is declared once AND is used many times in different ways - like hibernate cfg, where mapping between bean property and DB column is used for saving, loading, building search queries, etc. Spring DI configuration can be easily translated to configuring code, like in the beginning of this question, can it not? And it is used only for bean initialization, isn't it? Which means a declarative approach does not add anything here, does it?
When I declare hibernate mapping, I just give hibernate some information, and it works based on it - I do not tell it what to do. In case of spring, my declaration tells spring exactly wht to do - so why declare it, why not just do it?
Guys, a lot of answers are telling me about dependency injection, which I KNOW IS GOOD.The question is about purpose of DI configuration instead of initializing code - I tend to think that initializing code is shorter and clearer.The only answer I got so far to my question, is that it avoids recompiling, when the configuration changes. I guess I should post another question, because it is a big secret for me, why compiling should be avoided in this case.
For myself one of the main reasons to use an IoC (and make use of external configuration) is around the two areas of:
- 测试
- 生产维护
If you split your testing into 3 scenarios (which is fairly normal in large scale development):
- 单元测试
- 集成测试
- 黑匣子测试
What you will want to do is for the last two test scenarios (Integration & Black box), is not recompile any part of the application.
If any of your test scenarios require you to change the configuration (ie: use another component to mimic a banking integration, or do a performance load), this can be easily handled (this does come under the benefits of configuring the DI side of an IoC though.
Additionally if your app is used either at multiple sites (with different server and component configuration) or has a changing configuration on the live environment you can use the later stages of testing to verify that the app will handle those changes.
As a developer you don't (and should not) have control of the production environment (in particular when your app is being distributed to multiple customers or seperate sites), this to me is the real benefit of using both an IoC and external configuration, as it is up to the infrastructure/production support to tweak and adjust the live environment without having to go back to developers and through test (higher cost when all they want to do is move a component).
The main benefits that external configuration of an IoC come from giving others (non-developers) the power to configure your application, in my experience this is only useful under a limited set of circumstances:
- 应用程序分发到环境会有所不同的多个站点/客户端.
- 对生产环境和设置的有限开发控制/输入.
- 测试方案.
In practice I've found that even when developing something that you do have control over the environment it will be run on, over time it is better to give someone else the capabilities to change the configuration:
- 开发时,您不知道它何时会更改(该应用程序非常有用,您的公司将其出售给其他人).
- 我不想每次请求轻微更改时都停留在更改代码上,这可以通过设置和使用良好的配置模型来解决.
Note: Application refers to the complete solution (not just the executable), so all files required for the application to run.