

我从《 Java并发实践》一书中阅读了有关volatile的以下内容:

I read following about volatile from the book Java Concurrency in Practice:


The visibility effects of volatile variables extend beyond the value of the volatile variable itself. When thread A writes to a volatile variable and subsequently thread B reads that same variable, the values of all variables that were visible to A prior to writing to the volatile variable become visible to B after reading the volatile variable. So from a memory visibility perspective, writing a volatile variable is like exiting a synchronized block and reading a volatile variable is like entering a synchronized block.


I am confused with the last sentence above. Say variable x is defined volatile and before modifying x, u,v and w were visible to thread A, then when thread B reads x afterwards, it will also be able to read latest values of u,v and w. Can we specify for same for synchronized?.


Q1. That is, is below correct?


I feel above fact is incorrect as u,v and w may be stored in caches and registers as they are not defined volatile. Am I correct with this? So visibility is not ensured by synchronized (and also by locks and atomic variables as they are similar to synchronized)



  1. 锁,synchronized和原子变量仅保证读写原子性(不保证可见性和防止重新排序).
  2. volatile保证可见性并防止编译器和运行时对其进行重新排序(不是读写原子性).
  1. Locks, synchronized and atomic variables only guarantee read-write atomicity (not visibility and protection from reordering).
  2. volatile guarantee visibility and protection from reordering by compiler and runtime (not read-write atomicity).


Q2. Am I correct with above two points?



1) Locks, synchronized and atomic variables guarantee read-write atomicity andvisibility and protection from reordering


2) volatile guarantees visibility and protection from reordering by compiler and runtime

易失性字段的读写原子性有些棘手:对易失性字段的读写是原子性的,例如,如果您在32位jvm上对易失性long(64位)进行写操作,则读和写操作为仍然是原子的.您总是会阅读完整的64位.但是像volatile int或long这样的操作不是原子

read-write atomicity of volatile fields is a little bit tricky: reading and writing to a volatile field is atomic, for example if you write to a volatile long (64 bit) on a 32 bit jvm the read and the write is still atomic. You always read the complete 64 bit. But operations like ++ on a volatile int or long are not atomic


08-22 19:02