64 位移位问题
我在 Windows 8 64 位上使用 Visual Studio 2012,在调试模式下针对 x64,使用 AMD Phenom II.
I'm using Visual Studio 2012 on Windows 8 64-bit, targeting x64 in debug mode, using an AMD Phenom II.
So Basically...
uint64_t Foo = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF << 64;//Foo is now 0x0000000000000000
uint64_t Derp = 64;
uint64_t Bar = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF << Derp;//Foo is now 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
使用较低的值(例如 63)可恢复正常行为.
Using a lower value such as 63 restores normal behavior.
Why is this happening and how can I get around it?
更新:我切换到发布模式.瞧,问题消失了,都返回了 0.但问题仍然处于调试模式,我需要在调试模式下调试我的代码.
Update: I switched to release mode. Lo and behold, the issue vanished and both returned 0. But the issue remains in debug mode which is where I need to be in order to debug my code.
Shift operation has undefined behavior if you shift by values greater than or equal to the bit width.
来自 C++11 草案中的第 5.8 p1 节:
From Section 5.8 p1 in the C++11 draft:
这篇关于在 C++ 中将 64 位值左移 64 位给出奇怪的结果的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!