本文介绍了如何迁移到德尔福2010年和统一code时,也prepare 64位的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


64位支持预计不会在未来的版本,它不再是一个选项,以等待可能迁移现有code基地UNI code和一气呵成的64位。但是这将是很好,如果我们可以做我们的UNI code编译的时候就已经prepare我们code为64位。这将最大限度地减少事件影响,它最终将出现在2020年的版本。任何建议如何处理这个不引入得多混乱,如果它不到达,直到2020年?

As 64 bits support is not expected in the next version it is no longer an option to wait for the possibility to migrate our existing code base to unicode and 64-bit in one go.However it would be nice if we could already prepare our code for 64-bit when doing our unicode translation. This will minimize impact in the event it will finally appear in version 2020.Any suggestions how to approach this without introducing to much clutter if it doesn't arrive until 2020?



There's another similar question, but I'll repeat my reply here too, to make sure as many people see this info:


First up, a disclaimer: although I work for Embarcadero. I can't speak for my employer. What I'm about to write is based on my own opinion of how a hypothetical 64-bit Delphi should work, but there may or may not be competing opinions and other foreseen or unforeseen incompatibilities and events that cause alternative design decisions to be made.


  • 有两种整数类型,NativeInt和NativeUInt,其规模将32位和64位的系统平台之间浮动。他们已经周围有不少的版本。没有其他的整数类型将改变大小根据目标的位数。

  • There are two integer types, NativeInt and NativeUInt, whose size willfloat between 32-bit and 64-bit depending on platform. They've beenaround for quite a few releases. No other integer types will change sizedepending on bitness of the target.

请确保所依靠铸造指针值到任何地方整数或反之亦然使用NativeInt或NativeUInt的整数类型。 TComponent.Tag应NativeInt更高版本的Delphi。

Make sure that any place that relies on casting a pointer value to aninteger or vice versa is using NativeInt or NativeUInt for the integertype. TComponent.Tag should be NativeInt in later versions of Delphi.


I'd suggest don't use NativeInt or NativeUInt for non-pointer-based values. Try to keep your code semantically the same between 32-bit and 64-bit. If you need 32 bits of range, use Integer; if you need 64 bits, use Int64. That way your code should run the same on both bitnesses. Only if you're casting to and from a Pointer value of some kind, such as a reference or a THandle, should you use NativeInt.


Pointer-like things should follow similar rules to pointers: objectreferences (obviously), but also things like HWND, THandle, etc.


Don't rely on internal details of strings and dynamic arrays, liketheir header data.


Our general policy on API changes for 64-bit should be to keep thesame API between 32-bit and 64-bit where possible, even if it means thatthe 64-bit API does not necessarily take advantage of the machine. Forexample, TList will probably only handle MaxInt div SizeOf(Pointer)elements, in order to keep Count, indexes etc. as Integer. Because theInteger type won't float (i.e. change size depending on bitness), wedon't want to have ripple effects on customer code: any indexes thatround-tripped through an Integer-typed variable, or for-loop index,would be truncated and potentially cause subtle bugs.


Where APIs are extended for 64-bit, they will most likely be done withan extra function / method / property to access the extra data, and thisAPI will also be supported in 32-bit. For example, the Length() standardroutine will probably return values of type Integer for arguments oftype string or dynamic array; if one wants to deal with very largedynamic arrays, there may be a LongLength() routine as well, whoseimplementation in 32-bit is the same as Length(). Length() would throwan exception in 64-bit if applied to a dynamic array with more than 232elements.


Related to this, there will probably be improved error checking fornarrowing operations in the language, especially narrowing 64-bit valuesto 32-bit locations. This would hit the usability of assigning thereturn value of Length to locations of type Integer if Length(),returned Int64. On the other hand, specifically for compiler-magicfunctions like Length(), there may be some advantage of the magic taken,to e.g. switch the return type based on context. But advantage can't besimilarly taken in non-magic APIs.


Dynamic arrays will probably support 64-bit indexing. Note that Javaarrays are limited to 32-bit indexing, even on 64-bit platforms.

字符串可能将被限制在32位的索引。我们有一个硬时间来到了现实的原因,人们希望4GB +字符串这真的是字符串,而不仅仅是管理的数据的斑点,对于这动态数组可以用来一样好。

Strings probably will be limited to 32-bit indexing. We have a hardtime coming up with realistic reasons for people wanting 4GB+ stringsthat really are strings, and not just managed blobs of data, for whichdynamic arrays may serve just as well.


Perhaps a built-in assembler, but with restrictions, like not being able to freely mix with Delphi code; there are also rules around exceptions and stack frame layout that need to be followed on x64.

这篇关于如何迁移到德尔福2010年和统一code时,也prepare 64位的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-16 11:51