I get the following error message when I try to test my connections:
我最初在工作计算机上安装了32位和64位版本的Oracle 12客户端.我卸载了32位版本,因为它与另一个应用程序引起了一些冲突,但是现在卸载后,我将无法再在SSIS中使用我的oracle连接.
I originally had 32 bit and 64 bit version of Oracle 12 client installed on my work machine. I uninstalled the 32bit version, because it was causing some conflicts with another application, but now after uninstalling I can no longer use my oracle connections in SSIS.
我正在使用Visual Studio 2017-我很确定我安装了64位版本的SSDT,但看起来它们安装在86x程序文件夹下.我仍然可以通过TOAD进行连接,所以我认为这似乎是SSIS的一个问题,并非指向64位安装.是否可以手动将SSIS设置为指向64位版本,还是需要重新安装32位?
I'm using Visual Studio 2017 - I am pretty sure I installed 64bit version of SSDT, but it looks like they install under the 86x programs folder. I can still connect via TOAD, so it looks to be an issue of SSIS not pointing to the 64bit installation, I think. Can I manually set SSIS to point to the 64bit version, or do I need to reinstall 32bit?
TSN_Admin设置为oracle12c_64 tsnname.ora文件.我也尝试过在oraoledb12.dll文件上使用regsvr32.exe,但是即使以admin身份运行命令提示符后,我仍然收到错误消息:
TSN_Admin is set to the oracle12c_64 tsnname.ora file. I have also tried using the regsvr32.exe on oraoledb12.dll file, but I get an error message, even after running command prompt as admin:
I can reinstall the the 32bit version, but I need to wait for my company's IT department to approve the request first. It could be days before I get a response.
更新1-Visual Studio 64位
搜索后,似乎没有Visual Studio 64位版本:
Update 1 - Visual Studio 64-bit
After searching it looks like there is not Visual Studio 64-bit version:
我不知道是否有官方文档,但是根据我自己的经验,您需要在developmentpement机器上安装32位oracle客户端,因为 SQL Server用于Visual Studio的数据工具是32位应用程序,它将无法使用64位oracle客户端.
I don't know if there is an official documentation for this, but based on my own experience you need to instal oracle client 32-bit on the developpement machine, because SQL Server Data Tools for Visual studio is a 32-bit application and it will not work will work with oracle client 64-bit.
但是,如果您正在使用oracle 64位客户端,则可以执行.dtsx程序包而不会出现任何问题,您需要使用适当的DtExec路径:
But you can execute .dtsx package without any issue if you are working with oracle 64-bit client, you need to use the appropriate DtExec path:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\100\DTS\Binn\DtExec.exe
C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\DTS\Binn\DtExec.exe
While searching, i found many other links that share the same opinion:
- Oracle Install for SSIS连接(和驱动程序32 64位)
- SSIS中OLE DB的Oracle客户端提供程序不起作用
- 在64位(x64)计算机SSIS 2012上连接到Oracle 11g
- Oracle Install for SSIS connectivity (and drivers 32 64 bit)
- Oracle Client Provider for OLE DB in SSIS not working
- Connecting to Oracle 11g on 64-bit (x64) machine SSIS 2012