


I'm having a strange problem with my WCF service that returns data in JSON format.I want to return information about a "Customer" based on the request sent by client.


Client can request what fields of information about a customer they need and the service needs to send only that information about the customer.


For Example: If client asks for a list of customers and says they want firstname, lastname, cityof each customer then server should send a json response with each field name and corresponding value


  {"firstname":"john","lastname":"Goodman","city" :"NY"},
  {"firstname":"brad","lastname":"newman","city" :"LA"}


if client asks for list of customers with ID and city fields only then the response should look like this

  {"id" :"1234","city" :"NY"},
  {"id":"1235","city" :"LA"}


My initial design was to implement a "Customer" class and then have each possible "field"as a field of this class. Then inside my service method, I was getting the list of fields specified by the client and instantiating customer objects with only those properties set.


[WebGet(BodyStyle = WebMessageBodyStyle.Bare, ResponseFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json, UriTemplate = "Customers?fields={value}")]
List<Customer> GetCustomers(string value);

但是问题是当我用"DataContract"装饰类并且每个字段作为"DataMember" .....如果未设置某些属性,当它们发送给客户端时,它们仍然会反序列化为NULL.我不希望这种情况发生.

But the problem is when I decorate the class with "DataContract" and each Field as "DataMember"....if some properties are not set, they still get deserialized as NULL when sent to client. I dont want this to happen.


Also, the list of possible fields a customer is very long and so the class became very large. I would rather store these fields as an enum collection in my service rather than fields of a class.

然后我想到让Operation返回IDictionary<string,object>,然后将每个字段和值迭代地添加到此集合.那是行不通的,因为当字典被序列化时,它会显示{"Key:dfas", "Value:34"}等,而不是我想要的

I then thought of having my Operation return a IDictionary<string,object> and then add each field and value iteratively to this collection. That didn't work because, when a dictionary is serialized it shows {"Key:dfas", "Value:34"} etc etc. not what i want


So I'm kinda stuck. What's the best way to solve this problem?


Can I mark my [DataContract] such a way that if [DataMember] properties are not set i.e, null then they shouldn't be serialized and send to client at all?


您可以标记每个数据成员,如果它为null,则不会被序列化.必不可少的部分是:EmitDefaultValue = false

You can mark each data member so it won't be serialized if it's null. The essential part is: EmitDefaultValue = false

public class Person
    [DataMember(EmitDefaultValue = false)]
    public string id { get; set; }

    [DataMember(EmitDefaultValue = false)]
    public string firstname { get; set; }

    [DataMember(EmitDefaultValue = false)]
    public string lastname { get; set; }

    [DataMember(EmitDefaultValue = false)]
    public string city { get; set; }


11-03 02:49