本文介绍了Django - 如何传递几个参数到url模板标签的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



In my urls.py I have:



and I'm trying to do this in a template:

{% url paper_issue_section_detail issue.pub_date.year,issue.pub_date.month,issue.pub_date.day,section_li.slug %}


Caught an exception while rendering: Reverse for 'paper_issue_section_detail' with arguments '(2010, 1, 22, u'business')' and keyword arguments '{}' not found.


However, if I change the URL pattern to only require a single argument it works fine. ie:



{% url paper_issue_section_detail issue.pub_date.year %}

所以当我使用'url'模板标签传递多个参数时,似乎抱怨 - 我得到相同的错误有两个参数。有不同的方法来传递几个论据?我尝试传递命名关键字参数,并产生类似的错误。

So it seems to complain when I pass more than a single argument using the 'url' template tag - I get the same error with two arguments. Is there a different way to pass several arguments? I've tried passing in named keyword arguments and that generates a similar error.


For what it's worth, the related view starts like this:

def issue_section_detail(request, year, month, day, slug):


How do I pass more than a single argument to the url template tag?


问题存在于您的url配置的 /(?P< month> \d {2})/ 中。它只允许两位数字( \d {2} ),而 issue.pub_date.month 只有一位数字

The problem lives in the /(?P<month>\d{2})/ part of your url configuration. It only allows exactly two digits (\d{2}) while issue.pub_date.month is only one digit.

您可以同时允许网址中的一位数字(但这将违反唯一网址的原则, / 2010/1 /。 .. 将与 / 2010/01 /...相同),或将两位数字传递到您的url templatetag中的月份参数。 br>

You can do either allow also one digit in the URL (but this will violate the principle of unique URLs, /2010/1/... would be the same as /2010/01/...) or pass two digits to the month argument in your url templatetag.
You can use the date filter to achieve a consistent formating of date objects. Use the url tag like this:

{% url paper_issue_section_detail issue.pub_date|date:"Y",issue.pub_date|date:"m",issue.pub_date|date:"d",section_li.slug %}


Look at the month and day argument: It will be always displayed as two digits (with a leading zero if necessary). Have a look at the documentation of the now tag to see which options are possible for the date filter.

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08-23 02:31