


         LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_RESTART2, argv[optind]);

这是使用特定命令重新引导系统的标准Linux系统调用,请参见 Unix系统调用重新启动.

Which is the standard Linux system call to reboot the system with a specific command, see Unix System Call Reboot.


In Android this command is used to tell the bootloader to start either the kernel in recovery mode or to go to the fastboot mode within the bootloader.


My question is: How does the bootloader pick up the command? And is this functionality implemented in U-Boot? (I am unable to find it searching either through Google or in the U-Boot source.)


Additionally it seems this is not specific to Android, but is the way Linux performs a "reboot with a command". Any information on how this is "normally" handled/used in Linux?


使用LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_RESTART2重新引导系统时,提供的命令字符串将传递给在register_reboot_notifer()中注册的所有通知程序,最后传递到machine_restart() -实际执行系统重启的特定于体系结构的功能.

When the system is rebooted using LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_RESTART2, the supplied command string is passed to all of the notifiers registered with register_reboot_notifer(), and finally to machine_restart() - the architecture-specific function that actually performs system restart.

大多数体系结构完全忽略传递的命令-有关不传递的命令的示例,请参见SPARC. machine_restart() SPARC实现会传递提供的字符串到PROM的boot命令.

Most architectures ignore the passed command entirely - for an example of one that doesn't, see SPARC. The SPARC implementation of machine_restart() passes the supplied string to the boot command of the PROM.

machine_restart() ARM实现结束向上传递提供的命令到arch_reset(),该命令在每个ARM平台上单独实现-从我的看到,至少在上游内核中,大多数(如果不是全部)实现忽略传递的命令.这可能不是您要寻找的机器人.

The ARM implementation of machine_restart() ends up passing the supplied command to arch_reset() which is implemented separately on each ARM platform - from what I can see, most if not all of those implementations ignore the passed command, at least in the upstream kernel. This may not be the droid you're looking for.
