我正在尝试根据现有VM安装的sysprep捕获在Azure RM中创建新的VM.那就是:
I am trying to create a new VM in Azure RM based on the sysprepped capture of an existing VM installation. That is:
$urlOfCapturedImage = <I cannot find this>
$vm = Set-AzureRmVMOSDisk -VM $vm -Name $osDiskName -VhdUri $newOsDiskUri `
-CreateOption fromImage -SourceImageUri $urlOfCapturedImage -Windows
New-AzureRmVM -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName -Location $location -VM $vm
我当前的问题是为存储的VM映像找到正确的URL,因为它似乎没有作为VHD Blob存储在我的存储帐户中.相反,我在图片类别中找到了它,并提供了以下有限信息:
My current problem is finding the correct URL for the stored VM image, since it doesn't appear to be stored as a VHD blob in my storage account. Instead, I find it in the Images category, with the following, limited information:
I have tried using the following URL/URIs, but none of them work:
Does anyone know how to get the proper URL for my VM image? Or could it simply be that I am using the wrong method altogether?
对于Azure VM映像,VHD由Azure管理,您无法获取URL.
For a Azure VM image, the VHD is managed by Azure, you could not get the URL.
Your command is used for create VM from storage account. If you want to create VM from image, you could use the following command to create a VM from custom image.
$image = Get-AzureRmImage `
-ImageName myImage `
-ResourceGroupName myResourceGroupImages
# Here is where we specify that we want to create the VM from and image and provide the image ID
$vmConfig = Set-AzureRmVMSourceImage -VM $vmConfig -Id $image.Id
$vmConfig = Add-AzureRmVMNetworkInterface -VM $vmConfig -Id $nic.Id
New-AzureRmVM `
-ResourceGroupName myResourceGroupFromImage `
-Location EastUS `
-VM $vmConfig
More information about this please refer to this link.