My app includes a back-end server, with many transactions which must be carried out in the background. Many of these transactions require many synchronous bits of code to run.
For example, do a query, use the result to do another query, create a new back-end object, then return a reference to the new object to a view controller object in the foreground so that the UI can be updated.
A more specific scenario would be to carry out a sequence of AJAX calls in order, similar to this question, but in iOS.
This sequence of tasks is really one unified piece of work. I did not find existing facilities in iOS that allowed me to cleanly code this sequence as a "unit of work". Likewise I did not see a way to provide a consistent context for the "unit of work" that would be available across the sequence of async tasks.
最近,我不得不做一些JavaScript和必须学会使用无极概念,是常见的JS。我意识到,我可以适应这个想法到iOS和Objective-C。结果是 Github上。有文档,code和单元测试。
I recently had to do some JavaScript and had to learn to use the Promise concept that is common in JS. I realized that I could adapt this idea to iOS and objective-C. The results are here on Github. There is documentation, code and unit tests.
A Promise should be thought of as a promise to return a result object (id) or an error object (NSError) to a block at a future time. A Promise object is created to represent the asynchronous result. The asynchronous code delivers the result to the Promise and then the Promise schedules and runs a block to handle the result or error.
If you are familiar with Promises on JS, you will recognize the iOS version immediately. If not, check out the Readme and the Reference.