本文介绍了如果您已经了解 LISP,为什么还要学习 F#?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


当您已经熟悉 LISP 时,学习 F# 的附加价值是什么?

What is the added value for learning F# when you are already familiar with LISP?


  • 静态输入(带类型推断)
  • 代数数据类型
  • 模式匹配
  • 可扩展模式与活动模式匹配.
  • 柯里化(语法很好)
  • Monadic 编程,称为工作流",提供了一种很好的异步编程方式.
    • Static typing (with type inference)
    • Algebraic data types
    • Pattern matching
    • Extensible pattern matching with active patterns.
    • Currying (with a nice syntax)
    • Monadic programming, called 'workflows', provides a nice way to do asynchronous programming.
    • 其中很多是编程语言世界中相对较新的发展.这是您在 F# 中会看到而在 Lisp 中不会看到的东西,尤其是 Common Lisp,因为 F# 标准仍在开发中.结果,你会发现有很多东西需要学习.当然,诸如 ADT、模式匹配、monad 和 currying 之类的东西可以在 Lisp 中构建为一个库,但是学习如何在一种方便内置的语言中使用它们会更好.

      A lot of these are relatively recent developments in the programming language world. This is something you'll see in F# that you won't in Lisp, especially Common Lisp, because the F# standard is still under development. As a result, you'll find there is a quite a bit to learn. Of course things like ADTs, pattern matching, monads and currying can be built as a library in Lisp, but it's nicer to learn how to use them in a language where they are conveniently built-in.

      为了实际使用而学习 F# 的最大优势是它与 .NET 的集成.

      The biggest advantage of learning F# for real-world use is its integration with .NET.

      这篇关于如果您已经了解 LISP,为什么还要学习 F#?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-16 13:14