Is this just a bit of historical cruft left over from the 1950s or is there some reason syntactically why multi-expression bodies of (if) forms require (progn)? Why can't you wrap the multiple expressions in a set of parentheses like with (let):
(if some-cond
((exp1) (exp2) (exp3)) ; multi exp "then"
(exp4)) ; single exp "else"
It appears it would be trivial to write a macro to test each body to see first if it is a list and then if it is, if its first element is also a list (and thus not a function invocation) and then to wrap its subcomponents inside a (progn) accordingly.
在Common Lisp中,此代码:
In Common Lisp, this code:
(if t
((lambda (x) (+ x 5)) 10)
will return 15. With your proposal, I think it would see that the true-clause is a list, and automatically convert it to:
(if t
(progn (lambda (x) (+ x 5)) 10)
我不确定在CL中区分列表"和函数调用"是否简单".您是否打算使此更改不向后兼容? (新的和有趣的Lisp方言总是很酷,但不是Common Lisp.)或者您可以举一个例子说明您的想法吗?
I'm not sure it's "trivial" to distinguish between "list" and "function invocation" in CL. Do you intend for this change to be non-backwards-compatible? (New and interesting Lisp dialects are always cool, but then it's not Common Lisp.) Or can you give an example of what you have in mind?
这篇关于在Common Lisp中,为什么(if)语句的多表达式主体需要(progn)?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!