

我正在尝试在64位Linux计算机上执行JNI调用,但是该库仅在32位计算机上受支持。我可以强制我的64位Linux使用32位jvm吗?当我输入java -d32版本时,收到消息此平台不支持运行32位jvm。

I am trying to execute a JNI call on a 64 bit linux machine but the library is only supported on a 32 bit machine. Can I force my 64 bit linux to use a 32 bit jvm? when I type java -d32 version, I get the message "Running a 32 bit jvm is not supported this platform".


I would like to know how to install a 32 bit jvm on the 64 bit machine so I can get my native library to work


在同一Linux系统上,您通常通常无法同时拥有64位和32位JDK 。如果您使用Synaptic软件包管理器或从Oracle下载来卸载64位并安装32位,则应该没事。

It appears that you cannot typically have both 64 bit and 32 bit JDK on the same Linux system (according to Oracle). If you uninstall the 64 bit and install the 32 bit using the Synaptic Package manager or by downloading from Oracle, you should be fine.


Unfortunately I'm at work and don't have my Ubuntu machine with me to test.


09-05 19:19