当我点击div中的链接时,我正在尝试更改div的背景颜色,这可行,但我希望链接是一个真正的链接,可能是另一个页面,我似乎无法用现有的码。 (我知道这个问题的方式类似,但我的最终结果与其他代码片段有所不同)
I am trying to change a div's background color when a link inside the div is clicked, this works, but I want the link to be a real link, maybe to another page and that I cannot seem to do it with this existing code. (I know this has been asked in similar way but my end result is different to other code snippets)
#DIVi {padding:20px;}
<div id="DIVi"><a href="#DIVi">This is a link - Click me</a></div>
The above is a practice code snippet for a javascript idea which is basically the same as the HTML snippet except that the "i" (DIVi) is an incrementing variable in a "for" loop.
Here is the non working javascript:
<script type="text/javascript">
var i=0;
function increase(){
html += '<style>
#DIV' + i + '{padding:20px;}#DIV' + i + ':target{background:#ccc} </style><div id="DIV' + i + '"><a href="#DIV' + i + '">This is a link - Click me</a></div>';
My question is "How to make the HTML link a real link (URL maybe) and how to use the resulting HTML in my javascript example"?
Perhaps there is a better way to achieve this. Here is the JSFiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/Rv5qG/23/
这是一个链接 - 点击mefunction change_color(id){$(#+ id).css('background-color', #ccc);}
This is a link - Click mefunction change_color(id){$("#" + id).css('background-color', "#ccc");}