我想在我的openGL 2.0应用程序中使用固定函数方法,例如glTranslate(),glRotate(),glScale().我知道,我需要实现一个矩阵类-并且已经做到了.我现在的问题是关于效率.为了能够使用类似的东西:
I want to use fixed function methods like glTranslate(), glRotate(), glScale() in my openGL 2.0 App. I know, that I need to implement an matrix class - and have done this. My question now is about efficiency. To be able to use something like:
glRotatef(2.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
glScalef(2.0f, 2.0f, 2.0f);
我认为,我至少需要进行3次矩阵乘法(假设我们有一个投影和一个modelview矩阵,这是针对modelview的).第一个是:Identity-Matrix * Rotation-Matrix-第二个是:ActualMatrix * ScaleMatrix,最后一个是:projectionMatrix * ActualMatrix(并且这个Im作为统一值传递到我的着色器).
I think, I need to do at least 3 matrix multiplications (assuming we have a projection and a modelview matrizes and this is for the modelview).First would be: Identity-Matrix*Rotation-Matrix - Second is: ActualMatrix*ScaleMatrix and the last would be: projectionMatrix*ActualMatrix (and this Im passing as uniform value to my shader).
glUniformMatrix4fv(uniforms[UNIFORM_MODELVIEW_PROJECTION_MATRIX], 1, GL_FALSE, matrix->getProjectionModelviewMatrix());
So my Vertexshader looks like:
attribute vec4 position;
attribute vec4 color;
varying vec4 colorVarying;
uniform mat4 modelViewProjectionMatrix;
void main()
gl_Position = modelViewProjectionMatrix * position;
colorVarying = color;
在OpenGL ES 1.1中是否采用相同的方法?似乎,我每个都需要一个矩阵乘法:glRotate,glScale,glTranslate ...调用-对我来说,这似乎非常有用.或者,还有更好的方法? (也许矩阵乘法更少?)
Is it done the same way in OpenGL ES 1.1? It seems like, I need one matrix multiplication vor every: glRotate, glScale, glTranslate... Call - that seems very much for me. Or is there a better way? (maybe with less matrix multiplications?)
Any help on this topic would be highly appreciated! Thank you for reading
Identity, translation, rotation, and scaling matrices don’t require a full matrix multiplication to apply, because many of the terms are always 0.0 or 1.0. If you write out the element-by-element results of multiplying other matrices by these matrices, you’ll see that many elements may only have a few terms contributing to their final values. Two simple examples:
- 给出单位矩阵 I 和任意矩阵 M , I × M = M × I = M .
- 缩放矩阵 S 中唯一的非零元素是沿对角线的四个,我们将其称为 S , S , S 和 S . (对于
之类的 S 始终为1.0.) S × M 缩放 M 的第n 行, S . M × S 改为逐列工作.您也可以将单位矩阵视为特别无聊的缩放矩阵.
- Given the identity matrix I and an arbitrary matrix M, I × M = M × I = M.
- The only non-zero elements in a scaling matrix S are the four along the diagonal, which we’ll call S, S, S, and S. (S is always 1.0 for something like
.) S × M scales the n row of M by S. M × S works column-by-column instead. You can also think of the identity matrix as a particularly boring scaling matrix.
所生成的用于平移和旋转的逐元素表达式比这些示例要复杂一些,但仍比全矩阵乘法要简单得多. (如果旋转轴与X,Y或Z轴完全对齐,旋转也将变得非常简单.)您可能需要在询问平移,缩放或旋转时直接考虑修改矩阵,而不是考虑构造另一个矩阵并相乘.
The resulting element-by-element expressions for translations and rotations are a bit more complicated than these examples, but still greatly simpler than a full matrix multiplication. (Rotations also get a great deal simpler if the axis of rotation is exactly aligned with the X, Y, or Z axis.) You’ll probably want to look into modifying matrices directly when asked to translate, scale, or rotate, rather than constructing another matrix and multiplying.
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